Dinner's Ready - C.H.

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You smiled to yourself as you straightened out the silverware, setting the table for the romantic dinner you were going to surprise your longtime boyfriend with, it was your anniversary soon and you were feeling romantic, you wanted to do something special for him, and after tossing around a few ideas with some of your closest friends, you decided to cook his favorite meal for him, make a special, intimate night of things. In fact, you had cleaned up the bedroom as well, even sprinkling rose petals over the carefully made bed.You sighed and looked at your phone, checking the time. It was about twenty minutes before he usually arrived home, so you sauntered off to change into something a bit fancier, appropriate for the elaborate dinner you had made. You stood in the closet door, leaning against the frame as you stared at your dresses, trying to decide what to wear. Red dress that showed off every last curve? No, you had worn that out with him last week. Suddenly you knew exactly what to wear, pulling it out of the closet and laying it on the bed. You had bought it just last week, a floor length, silky black dress with a slit that went high up on your thigh, and with lace touches everywhere, it was closely reminiscent of lingerie, which you knew he would like. You peeled off your day clothes, jeans and one of his shirts, smoothing lotion all over your body before putting it on, looking at yourself in the mirror, skin glowing in the dimming light and sighing contently as you fluffed out your hair. You slipped your feet into your favorite black heels before going back out to the dining room, uncovering the dishes of food and lighting the candles, fiddling with the lights, trying to find the perfect setting as you heard his car pull into the driveway. He's home, you think to yourself, hearing the front door creak open. "Hi baby, how was your day?" you say, walking out into the front hallway, draping your arms around his neck. "It was good" he whispers, kissing you softly "but I have a feeling it's about to be better" he says, his lips meeting that spot on your neck, just under your ear. "Why so fancy, not that I'm complaining, you look stunning" he mumbles into your skin."I made dinner, your favorite, set it up all fancy," you stutter out, practically melting as he lightly sucks on your sweet spot, his calloused hands wrapping around your waist. "I'm guessing you'd like it if I dressed appropriately as well?" he says, pulling back a bit from you and looking down at his ripped up shirt, his laugh ringing in your ears. You nod your head and smile "It would be appreciated," you say "I'll light some more candles," you whisper and he smiles, pressing his lips to yours before he heads off to the bedroom to change. You gather a few more candles, placing them strategically on the table and lighting them. Just as you light the last one, you feel a familiar hand on your waist, moving slowly up to just under your breast. "This is beautiful, Y/N, thank you" you hear Calum say as his other hand turns your head slightly to the side, softly kissing you. "Of course, Cal, you're welcome," you say, turning around and smiling. "I'm glad you like it," you say, looking him up and down, smoothing your hand over his black dress shirt. "Well, you look good," you whisper, practically drooling over him, his sleeves rolled up messily, showing off his muscular arms."Good enough to eat?" he says, winking and pulling out your chair, gesturing for you to sit. You blush a deep red and he smirks as you sit down; minutes later he's seated down across from you, his hand in yours as you both eat, laughing and smiling.About halfway through the meal his hand slips from yours, and you feel it land on your thigh, rubbing up your smooth skin, along your dresses' high slit. You notice but don't react, continuing to eat normally and talk about your day until his hand slips under the material, moving to your inner thigh, and you sit up a little straighter, a small gasp escaping your lips. He chuckles a bit, responding to your reaction, "I think we're done eating, don't you love?" He says, his fingers ghosting over your heat. He gasps as well, shaking his head and making little clicking noises with his tongue, "Now now, Y/N, what have I told you about not wearing panties?" he says, his eyes stern as he looks at you. You gulp a bit, "That only dirty, dirty girls do that," you say, "Dirty girls who deserve to get fucked." You pause, letting silence fill the air for a second, "Daddy," you add, whispering it just barely loud enough for him to hear. His ears perk up immediately, "That's right, princess" he says, his other hand moving to your thigh as well, his fingers, rough and calloused from playing the bass, spread you open and run up your slit, around your clit a few times and down, dipping into your wetness "Which is why daddy's going to fuck you" he says "Right here, right now." You look at him with wide open eyes, "Where?" you whisper, glancing at the floor and to the couch, just in the other room. "Not on the floor, not on the couch" he says, effortlessly and roughly lifting you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. Your arms and legs both cling to him, he's not holding you up because he knows how badly you need him at that exact moment, but the only satisfaction of touch he's giving you right now is a hand placed at your hip. You look at him, confused, "In the air?" you say, shocked. He laughs, "No, baby girl, but we can do that later if you want" he says, biting his lip. "No, Daddy's going to fuck you right here," he says, reaching down with his right arm and knocking everything off the table with one fell swoop, dishes crashing and silverware clanking as it hits the wall, food rolling all over the floor. You gasp loudly, "Daddy you're making a mess!" you squeal, pretending to be offended, but secretly even more turned on by his aggressive behavior. He shrugs, "Messes can be cleaned, broken dishes can be replaced," he says, sitting you on the edge of the table and all but ripping off your dress, tossing it behind him. You hold your breath as he drops to his knees, licking and biting all along your inner thighs, "Open up, princess, Daddy wants dessert," he growls, and you follow his orders immediately, spreading your legs wide, your eyes glued on him as his hands spread them wider, wrapping around your ankles and lifting them up. At this point you're frozen with anticipation, his lips grazing over your heat "Oh, babygirl, you're dripping," He coos, licking a thick stripe up your slit, causing your breath to hitch as he finally makes contact. He smirks and licks his lips, "Delicious as always" he says, smiling and then diving back in, placing big, sloppy, open mouthed kisses on your clit, causing you to arch your back and let out a stuttering moan. Your hands fly to his head, locking in his hair and tugging on it as he sucks hard, his fingers tracing around and pushing on your entrance. You squirm a bit, even though you can barely move with his hand pinning you down, now holding both ankles with one hand. "Relax baby" he says soothingly, "This is going to be a lot less intense than what will be happening in a few minutes." You whimper in response, trying to relax your body as he thrusts two fingers in, pumping them fast as he licks and lightly nips at your clit, making you moan louder and louder by the second. He smiles and turns his hand up, curling his fingers so they hit you at the exact right spot, making you gasp and yell out, bringing you right up to the edge of a massive orgasm before pulling his fingers out, licking them off and keeping eye contact with you."Daddy why?" You whine out, "I've been a good girl for you haven't I?" "You have been a very good girl" he coos, leaning down and kissing you, "Which is why you're going to get daddy's cock"You squeal in excitement and his hand reaches down, closing your eyes gently, "Keep your eyes closed princess," he says, "You're going to get a big surprise," he says, chuckling softly to himself.He leaves you hanging for a few minutes, your eyes obediently closed while he gets undressed, you assume. Just when you weren't ready, weren't expecting it to happen, he thrusts into you, his full length all at once, making you gasp and moan shakily, your eyes opening wide, "Fu-fuck daddy," you whine out. He smiles down at you cockily, "Too much for you baby?" He says, his hands moving up your legs and holding them up straight in the air, not giving you any time to adjust before he starts to thrust, hard and fast, groaning and grunting a bit, "Oh baby girl you make daddy feel so good, so fucking wet, wrapped around my cock so good."You whimper and moan, looking up at him desperately, "Daddy are you going to let your good little girl cum this time?" You say, "please daddy I've been so good for you."He smirks, "Such a good little girl, asking Daddy if she can cum," he says, "Yes baby you can cum, but on one condition, and one condition only."You nod vigorously, "What daddy what," you say "I'll do anything you want daddy, anything in the world"He smiles, "That's my baby girl, so eager to please," he says, leaning down over you as he pounds in and out, "You're going to squirt for daddy, you're going to cover him from head to toe with your cum," he whispers with his lips against your ear, "Or you're not going to cum at all."You nod and whimper loudly in response and he smiles, "Good girl," he whispers, placing his hands flat on the table on either side of you and snapping his hips forward, slamming against your g-spot as you start to scream, unable to control yourself. "Yeah baby just like that, tell everyone how daddy makes you feel," he says, grunting and groaning, looking down at your face twisting and contorting in pleasure. "Daddy pull out, pull out!" You scream desperately and he grants your request, pulling out, pumping himself fast. You reach down fast to rub your clit and he slaps your hand away, "You know better," He growls and replaces your hand with his, rubbing hard and fast. He pumps himself fast as he can possibly manage, needing two hands but managing with one, as you scream out at the top of your lungs, heart practically beating out of your chest as one of the most intense orgasms you've ever experienced takes over your whole body, writhing around on the table as you spray cum all over his body, from head to toe, just as promised."Fuck you squirt like a fountain," He groans, the sound coming from the very back of his throat, deep and growl-like, throwing his head back and shooting cum all the way from your boobs to your dripping cunt, a massive load, thick and creamy.You smile and swipe up a bit onto your fingers, sucking on them and moaning softly, "So good daddy. I could probably live off of your cum alone," you say giggling and trying to catch your breath as he collapses on the chair, draping himself over it and panting, reaching over and running his thumb over the inside of your ankle, "You're the best princess a daddy could ask for," he says sighing contently. "Thank you daddy," you say, sighing and smiling, turning your head to look at him. "Damn," he says, "Fucking like that really makes a man work up an appetite" he says groaning a bit and laughing breathily."Gee, if only the food wasn't thrown all over the floor," You say sarcastically. He laughs and stands up, scooping you up gently, "That's okay we'll just order something," he says, carrying you into the bedroom and laying you down on the bed, still sprinkled with rose petals and he sighs "Shit baby I'm sorry-" he says as he sees them, "You wanted to make love tonight, I even saw it while I was changing earlier, but I forgot completely," he says sighing and laying next to you, hanging his head slightly. You smile and turn your body into his, cuddling up to him, "That's alright Cal," you say, kissing his cheek, "Besides that might happen later anyway, knowing us," you say laughing softly. He smiles and laughs, "True," he says, leaning down to kiss your head, "Now what do you want for dinner, baby, your choice," He says. "Pizza," you say, looking up at him and smiling, then leaning down to kiss his chest, running your thumb over his tattoos. "That's my girl," he whispers, smiling and tilting your head up to press his lips to yours.

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