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"I miss you." He says for what seemed the millionth time tonight, but you never failed to repeat back to him, "I miss you too." "You want to know what I miss the most about you?" He asks. You move your head up and down so he knows to continue. "I miss hugging you. I miss how every time you hugged me you would stand up on your tippy toes just to put your arms around my neck and how you would always find a way to mess up my hair because you know how much of a fuss I would make over it." "That's because you're a baby, it's just hair." You smiled and he laughed. "Luke, it's time to go on." Michael shouted from outside the door. "Okay." Luke responded. It took him a moment before he said, "I can't wait to hold you again, but don't expect me to let go of you this time." You laughed saying, "I wouldn't want it any other way. I love you." "I love you too." Luke said as you ended yet another heart breaking skype call.


It's like two puzzle pieces fitting together perfectly as you two tangle up together underneath the blanket sheet. No doubt about it, this is where you receive the best hugs. This is where all guards are let down and communication is relied on your touch. Every night you look forward to discovering a new way to wrap yourself in him so you can get lost in his body. Both of your bodies become so unnaturally close some nights you're almost too scared to pry yourself from his incredibly strong arms in the morning.


You two sat on the couch. You in between his legs with your legs pulled up to your chest as you asked Michael questions "When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up?" "A pornstar." He replies. You laugh a little and say, "No, Mikey, seriously." "Okay, seriously," He began as he wrapped his arms around your knees causing you to come even closer to his body. "I wanted to be one of those guys in the movies who got the girl that was way out of his league." He said as he placed a kiss on your cheek. "Aww, babe," you smiled. He laughed, "Who said you were her?" he asks. You gasp and start to stand up but are held down by his arms while he continues to laugh and repeatedly say, "I'm only kidding," until you calmed down and his laughter subsided. "Trust me, I know I got lucky with you." He says are you relaxed back into him.


At first he would jokingly wraps his arms around your head, "To prove how tall and manly I am." He would say. You'd laugh and begin to argue with his previous statement, "This definitely does not prove your manliness." This would cause him to take his long muscular arms off your head and in mock hurt he'd cross his arms over his chest, "I don't think you wanna play this game." You'd say as you start to turn around to walk away, but before you could even get half way his arms were around your waist. "You're not getting away that easily." He'd growl in your ear.

hey guys its jade if you want a personal DM me about what you want and stuff!

I set up another book so if your personal gets published then it's gonna be in the book called 5sos Imagines Personal srry I haven't been updating school is a bitch that has taken over my life

5sos Imagines Part: 2Where stories live. Discover now