He's Insecure

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You and Luke were walking around the city and you had bumped into a few fans along the way.

"Hi Luke, Hi Y/N" she smiled waving. Luke shyly smiled muttering hi. "Could I get a photo please"? She asked. "Sure" Luke said.

"I can take it if you like" I told the girl, taking the iPhone off of her and waiting for them to pose.

Luke awkwardly smiled while the girl grinned at the camera. "Aw Luke you are so awkward" the girl giggled. He chuckled nervously. "Thank you" she smiled walking off.

"Am I really that awkward"? Luke asked. "The fans always tell me I am" he mumbled. "Yeah, you might be a bit socially awkward but that's what makes me love you even more" you smiled.

Luke laughed, blushing. "Thanks babe"


"Y/N? Am I ugly"? Michael asked out of no where. "No? Why would you think that"? You asked.

"It's nothing" he mumbled. "I'm fat aren't I"? He asked a few minutes later. You looked at Michael stunned thinking he thought that.

"You are no where near fat Michael" you said. "Maybe I dye my hair too much" he sighed. "You need to stop believing them things on twitter" you replied ignoring what Michael said last.

"I can't help it, it's in my mentions. Everywhere" he sighed rubbing his temples. "I think you are perfect" you said, grabbing his hand.

"No I'm not" he muttered. "Babe, why are you so insecure"? You whispered. "I can't help it" he replied.

"C'mon here" you said, cuddling him as he rested his head in the crook of your neck.

"I love you Y/N"

"I love you too Mikey"


"Babe do you think guys with abs are hot"? He asked. You looked at him skeptically and nodded. "Yeah, why"? You asked.

"Are you gonna tell me you're gay"? You asked. "No, I was just... Wondering" he mumbled. He looked down and didn't talk much unless you asked a question.

"Okay Cal, what's wrong? You have never been so quiet for this many hours" you said sternly. He looked up at you nervously biting his lip.

"I, uh wanted to know the question about the guys with abs because I wanted to know if you found it more attractive than flat stomachs like me" he mumbled. You looked at him I shock then you giggled.

"Of course I find you attractive Calum! You're gorgeous, I don't care if you have a flat stomach I still love you" you giggled.

"Are you sure? I can work out if you want" he mumbled. "I'm sure"! You smiled, pulling him in for a hug and a sweet kiss on the lips.

"I love you" he smiled.


"Do you think I'm important in the band, Y/N"? Ashton asked. You looked at him nodding. "Course! You always need a drummer in the band, and a hot drummer is good" you winked.

"Anyways we are all glad you came along because Michaels drumming skills weren't fantastic" you laughed remembering watching the video that Calum, Luke and Michael did of I Miss You.

"I mean, they could ditch me. I'm not that important Y/N" he muttered. "Ashton? Who told you, you aren't important"? You asked quietly.

"Everyone on twitter says so" he mumbled. "Oh babe" you whispered. "I'm just worried that they will ditch me and find a better drummer than me, that's better looking and more important" he sighed.

"The boys would never ditch you, you boys are like brothers and have done so many amazing things together. They would be stupid for ditching you" you told him.

"Thank you" Ashton said, resting his head on your shoulder as you whispered "anytime Ash".

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