Fake Love or Real Love? (Bang Chan - Stray Kids)

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Dia's POV


I groaned at the sound of my alarm. I looked at my phone to see the time. 


Relief washed over me when I realized that it was still early and I have enough time to get ready for work without rushing. As I was cleaning the bed, a sudden nausea hits me. I ran to the bathroom and threw up everything that is making me sick. 

What is wrong with me? This is the third time this week. I hate this seriously. I washed myself up and turned on the shower. I decided to not take any breakfast worrying that I will feel like vomiting again. 

"Hey Siri, call Baby.", I said while starting the engine of my car. 

"Calling Baby.", a robotic voice responded making me smile at the thought of hearing his voice. 

"The number you have dialed is currently not available. Please try again later."

That is weird. He would usually answer my call. Maybe my Bang Chan is currently busy. 

I continued driving till I reached my destination, my workplace.

Bang Corporation.

Bang Chan's POV

"Shit! She just called. I purposely did not answer.", I spoke while drinking my expresso with my best friends, Felix, Han and Hyunjin, in my office. 

"Hyung, I think it's time you tell her the truth. That this is all a bet.", he said upon chuckling a little. 

"She is getting a little too attach. I think I gave her enough false hopes.", I said as my brain is thinking of ways to dump my current girlfriend. 

Well, the girlfriend I am talking about is Dia. We have been together for almost eight months now. The reason we are together was because I had a bet with Felix, Han and Hyunjin. Except, Hyunjin was not all in about this whole bet thingy. 

"But Hyung, have you ever done it with her throughout these eight months?", Han suddenly asked. 

"Done what?", I asked in confusion.

"Sexual intercourse."

I coughed the moment I heard Han's words. Ugh. 

"Are you seriously asking me that Han?"

He nodded making me feel a little embarrased. 

"We actually did. It was during the company's 60th anniversary party. The two of us were pretty drunk and we were both in my office.", I answered awkwardly while scratching the back of my head. 

"Goodness?! Did you rape her?", Hyunjin asked suddenly standing up. 

I shook my head. 

"I will never do that. We were both drunk and unaware of what happened. I just know that the moment I woke up, Dia was next to me on the couch with the two of us stark-naked."

"I don't even remember how the sex was but I know she has a hot body. I still remember how gorgeous her naked body was. I wHas tempted to do it with her that morning.", I continued.

At that moment, I felt a sharp pain hit my jaw. I looked up and then realized that Hyunjin had punched my face. 

"What the f***?", I yelled. 

I grabbed his collar and was about to jab his face when Felix and Han held the both of us apart. 

"What happened here?", a gentle voice spoke which made all four of change our attention to the door. 

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