Beautiful Marriage (Xiumin-EXO)

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Rula's POV

"And I pronounced you husband-and-wife", said the priest.

"You may kissed the bride", he continued.

I felt Xiumin's honey lips on mine in less than a minute. He gave me a peck before pulling off since many people are watching us. I can't believe this day even exist in my live. Today is the day that unite me with my one and only Baozi as one. Our wedding day.

After the banquet ends, me and Xiumin had to rush to the airport. Well, our parents booked tickets for our honeymoon in Paris. Well, I'm nervous plus excited. Nervous because it's my first time sharing bedrooms with Xiumin. Yet excited as I'm finally a married woman. And I got married to my dream man.

-Moving Forward-

"We are finally here hunn", said Xiumin as he open our hotel room.

"Yes!", I exclaimed in happiness as I run to our balcony.

Omg... It's soo beautiful. Our balcony is facing the beautiful ocean.

"Oh my goodness.", was all I managed to utter.

I was caught off guard when I felt someone wrapped his arms around my waist. It's him. He rest his chin on my shoulder as he view the beautiful scenery. Xiumin pull off his chin before kissing the crook of my neck. Things started to warm up. He turned me around and crashed his lips towards mine. He kisses were long and passionate that I didn't realised we have been kissing till we had reach our bedroom.


Xiumin push Rula down on the bed gently as he continue kissing her. He continued as he unbutton her shirt. He started to get heated up. He leave her in her undergarments as he trail the kiss down to her neck.

Xiumin's POV

She's so sexy that she got me turned on. And so... we did it. It's our first time as we have yet to do it even before getting married.

That night, Rula slept on my arms. I'm so happy really. I love her so much.

Next Morning

"Oppaaaaa..", I heard a cute voice calling.

I pretend and continue sleeping until she stood off the bed when I grabbed her wrist and pull her back to the bed.

"Don't go hunn. I need you baby. I love you".

"Stop it oppa. We did enough last night. And I love you more..", she said as her cheeks blushed.

Awwwww. Too adorable. I pinched her cheeks.

"Oppa let's get ready. I wanna go out for shopping and sightseeing."

"Alright.. Wanna bathe together hunn?", I asked smirking.

Her cheeks immediately turns red.

"No oppa. Let's just get ready quickly".

With that both of us took turns to get ready. Things was pretty normal here in Paris until we return to Seoul..

3 Weeks Later

Rula's POV

"It's good to be home.", I said stretching my arms.

"Yeah. It's feels great. Anyway, hunn, are you alright? You look pale..", asked Xiumin.

"I'm fine oppa. Just a minor headache.", I replied.

"Oppa, go have a shower. I will prepare dinner. As for the luggage just leave it there. I will clean it tonight.", I uttered.

I'm almost done! I made black bean noodle. And just right, I heard Xiumin closing her bedroom door. I guess he's done.

"Oppa let's eat!"

Both of us sat on the dining table getting ready to eat. Before I could the first scoop, I suddenly felt nauseous. I stood up and ran to the bathroom.

Xiumin who was shocked and worried ran after me. He pat my back as I threw up.

"Are you okay hunn? You looked really sick.."

"I'm fine oppa.", I said with a small smile.

I think I'm pregnant. But before I tell him, I should run some test and see the doctor first.

Next Morning

Vomiting early in the morning sucks.. After Xiumin left for work, I went straight to our family clinic.

"What's wrong with me doctor? I've been having dizzy spells and I can't stand a certain smell which make a me nauseous. Plus, I would wake up every morning vomiting my stomach out.", I explained as the doctor check my pulse.

"Don't worry Mrs Kim. You are two weeks pregnant!", squealed the doctor.

"Really!! Oh my goodness! This is a really good news! And I shall surprise him tonight!", I exclaimed as I shook the doctors' hand in happiness.

Later at Home

Xiumin's POV

Haissssss. What a tiring day at work. But it's worth it because I'm gonna see my beautiful and sexy wife at home.

"Honey I'm back!", I yelled as I close the door.

"Hey.", she said as she hug me.

I hugged her back and kiss her neck. Hmm. She smells good.

"Babe! You look sooo gorgeous today. What's up?", I said as I trail the kiss around her neck.

"Well... I'm carrying your junior oppa", I uttered as I caressed my flat belly.

What?! She's pregnant? I'm so happy!

"I'm soo proud of you baby!", I said as I attach our lips together.

9 months later

"Push Mrs Kim. Push harder", repeated the doctor.

Another series of pain shot her stomach as she grip my hand harder.

"It's okay honey. You are doing great! Push Honey!!", I tried my best encouraging her.

Cold sweats were formed on her forehead as she tries to push.

"Argh.. Oppa. I can't do this. It's too painful..", cried Rula.

"No! You are almost there honey! Push. Push!!"

"I see the baby's head! One final push Mrs Kim", said the doctor.

That's it! The room is filled with a baby wailing! Rula did it!!!!

"It's a boy", annouced the doctor.

"Honey! You did it! I'm really proud of you baby! Thank you! I love you.", I utter in pure happiness.

"I'm happy oppa.", she said weakly.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and pull her into a deep kiss. We are happy. Too happy to even say it out. Today we witness the birth of our baby boy, Kim Minru. I love my wife and my son dearly.

*This is requested by RulaCali. Do vote and comment if you like it! :)

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