Abduct (Kai-EXO)

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"Maria... How stupid can you be...... Haisss! ," these thoughts lingers in my mind.

I was rejected by Kai. I was too foolish to even confessed to him my feelings. Kai is my colleague whom I had fallen for. I had these feelings for two years and I decided to confessed today. If I had not said anything, we would still have gotten along as best friends. Haisss..

The pain in my heart continued. How do I stop this feeling? It's painful and uncomfortable. I should get myself drunk till I feel numb. I went to a nearby pub and ordered three bottle of beer. However, three becomes to fifty. I was really drunk by then. My vision became blurry and I have the urged to vomit. But I keep it in instead. This will occupy my thoughts of the previous incident.

As I was walking by the pathway, I heard a screeching sound nearby but I ignored it and continue walking. My vision is getting worsen and I can't walk straight. The effect of the beer is getting the better of my body. Suddenly, I feel my mouth being covered by a handkerchief. I tried to shout but failed and I soon lose consciousness.

Two hours later

"Urgh, where am I?" I said as I found myself in an unfamiliar place. It seems like an abandoned flat.

"Finally.. I thought you were dead.", a voice speaks harshly.

I turned to face the voice and there I saw Kai's brother Taemin grinning at me with an evil pair of eyes. I shivered. Kai's brother really hate me. I remembered the time when Kai invites me to his house for his birthday party. Taemin gave me the death glare at all time when I was there. He ignored me. When I leave Kai's place, Taemin grabbed my wrist and pushed me against the wall. He punch my face and said, "Don't bother us whore.". I kept it to myself. I don't want Kai to fight with his only brother over this.

"What do you want from me?!!!!!" I yelled.

Taemin grabbed me up by neck and lean me against the wall. He punched my stomach and then my face before throwing me hard to the cold floor.

"Argh! Why? Oppa. It hurts", I cried.

He ignored me and continue to hit me. He kicked my stomach and throw a punch on my jaw. I'm staring to feel weak. My mouth is bleeding and my cheek was covered with bruise. I laid on the ground not having the energy to stand up. As I moan in pain, I heard a familiar voice and that someone is turning the door knob to come in.

"What the hell?!!", I heard the voice shout. I turned to see Kai with a terror look on his face.

Urgh, his the last person I want to see right now. I'm still embarrassed about the rejection.

"Hyung! What are you doing? What did you do to her? How could you?!!!!!", Kai screamed as he grabbed Taemin by the collar.

He then rushed towards me. He carried me up in bridal style and attempt to leave this place. However, Taemin stopped us and snatched me away from Kai. He threw me on the ground while he push Kai against the hard brick wall. He took out a knife from his pocket. I was shocked and starting to feel worried. What if Kai got stab... I can't let that happen.

I push Taemin away from Kai and grabbed Kai's wrist as fast as possible. My energy level is letting me down. I felt weak but I tried to fight it off.

"Oppa. Let's go!", I yelled.

Before I could turn the door knob Taemin pulled us back. Kai tried to fight him off but to no avail because of the weapon his holding. Taemin pointed the knife towards Kai. He's going to stab him. I can't let anything happen to him. I love him so much. I ran infront of Kai and I got stabbed instead.

"Maria!", Kai yelled.

Before I fall, Kai caught me with his arm and carried me out. Taemin was no longer chasing us. Kai was looking for a cab but there's no cab. Tears were gushing down his eyes.

"Oppa.. It's okay. Put me down.", I said as I caressed his cheek.

"No! Nothing is going to happen to you Maria. I will call the ambulance now.", Kai replied as he place me on the ground as he hold me tight.

He took off his jacket and pressed it against my stomach, the area I was stabbed. I'm starting to lose consciousness.

"Maria!!!!!!!! Don't go to sleep. Stay with me. Don't die on me!", Kai shout trying to stop me from losing consciousness.

I'm too weak. Before I close my eyes, I saw Taemin forcing us to go in his car. I think his driving us to the hospital? But before I could get the answer I fall into deep sleep.

"Maria, wake up!!!!! Don't sleep baby. I love you.", Kai yelled at the top of his lungs.

Taemin who was driving was shocked and said, "Kai, she's going to be okay. I'm sorry! I'm so stupid. I'm so foolish. I'm an idiot.".

Taemin looked at Kai apologetically. Kai could not do anything to his brother. He was dumbfounded. He's more focus on sending Maria to the hospital.

As soon as they reached, Kai ran towards the emergency room carrying Maria in his arm.

One hour passed

"If anything were to happen to that innocent girl, I will never forgive myself.", Taemin said punching the wall.

"Innocent girl?! What a joke hyung. Hahahaha! You were the one asked for her death. You wanted all this! If she dies, it's your victory! You stopped me from being with her less you disown me.. It's what you want hyung and you got it I guessed!", yelled Kai losing his sanity.

Taemin becomes speechless. He knew that it's all his fault. He could never forgive himself. As he dwell on this, the doctor left the operating theater.

"Sirs, Ms Maria is losing a lot of blood and she need transfusion. Any A+ here?", the doctor asked.

"Me. I'm A+", answered Taemin.

Taemin's blood type is A+ while Kai's AB. He decided to help Maria. Afterall it's all his fault.

"Hyung, I don't know what to say.", Kai said.

"I should be doing this. It's my fault Kai. I hurt you and her. Let me do this.", Taemin said.

Two hours later

I woke up feeling all weak. The pain on my stomach made it hard for me to get up.

"Baby.. You awake?", Kai asked holding my hands.

"Kai oppa, Taemin oppa", I said.

Remembering what happen, I tried to stand up and run away from the room. And I succeed. Kai rejected my love. Taemin hurt me. I can't stay there. I'm scared. I ran as fast as I could clutching my stomach trying to bear with the pain. Unfortunately, Kai caught up with me and grabbed my wrist and pulled me to face him but the force he applied caused me to rest my hands on his broad chest.

I hit his chest gently many times hoping he will let me go. I struggled. He suddenly grabbed my arms and pulled me for a rough kiss. I struggled but soon gave up and kissed him back.

"Baby, don't leave me. The reason I reject you was because Taemin hyung forced me to reject you. He don't allow me to be with you. I got no choice but to listen to him. I love you sweetheart.", Kai confessed.

Tears that I had been keeping flow out. I can't stop it now. I remained quiet not knowing what to say. Kai wipe my endless tears with his his thumb and kissed my forehead afterwards.

"Kai, Maria, I give you guys my blessings. I'm sorry. I know I can't be forgiven. Maria sorry. I'm so sorry. I hurt you so much. I don't deserve to be here. I wish you guys well.", wished Taemin.

"Hyung! Oppa!", Kai and Maria called at the same time.

"Oppa I forgave you. Please don't leave. We need an older brother, oppa. We need you. I love you like my own brother.", I said.

We had a group hug with smiles on our faces. With that my happy love life begin. :)

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