You Are The One Pt.1 (Jongseob - P1harmony)

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"Are done getting ready, Gerlyn?", I asked my twin sister as I put on my running shoes. 

"Almost! Give me 3 minutes.", she whined. 

I sighed. This is my daily routine. Waiting for Gerlyn every single time we are going out and even going to school. Well, Gerlyn is my twin sister. I am just 2 minutes younger than her. Although we are identical, I would say that Gerlyn is blessed with sharper features, exotic appearance and have beautiful blue eyes like that of our mom who is a British. For me, I have a pair of black eyes just like our Korean dad and look like an ordinary Korean. I chuckled remembering how dad and mom would share their first encounter with one another and how it developed into a beautiful love story. Mom was a tourist when she bumped into that dad during her trip in Seoul. They eventually fall in love and got married where mom decided to migrate to Korea for good. 

"Ok! Done!", exclaimed Gerlyn putting on her running shoes. 

"Oh my, why would you put on make up? We are going for a run. It's going to melt under the sun.", I questioned in astonishment. 

"This is a lost-lasting one. Don't you know? See this is what happen when you can don't care about your beauty and just study 24/7.", she said with sarcasm. 

I shook my head not bothering to respond and went out of the house with her. We walked to the park and started our morning jog. I increased the speed of my run leaving Gerlyn at the back. I looked down at my Apple watch to check my speed while running when I hit onto something hard making me fall to the ground. I groaned in pain feeling a stinging sensation on my elbow and ankle. 

"Oh no! I'm so sorry Miss.", apologized a manly voice.

I looked up and saw a handsome looking man looking at me before crouching down before holding me by my shoulder to help me stand. He then walked me to a nearby bench and help me to sit down before he sat beside me. 

"Your elbow is bleeding. I'm really sorry. I don't mean to hurt you.", he apologized again. 

His sincere looking eyes creates a warm feeling in my heart. 

"It's okay. I'm fine. It just hurts a little. An plus it was my fault that I wasn't looing in front.", I assured while blowing on the wound on my elbow. 

"Let me take you to the clinic. Please?"

I shook my head and said, "Nooo. I am really okay. I will just put an antiseptic cream when I am home. I live nearby."

"You live nearby? Can I send you home instead? Let me just make sure you will be home safe.", he asked sounding a little desperate.

"It's really fine. Plus my sister is here with me. She is still running.", 

"Oh! You are not alone?", he questioned.

"I am with my sister. I promise."

He laughed at my response before asking, "So you live around here? What's your name?"

"I am Lee Y/N", I said feeling my cheeks heating up under his glare. 

"I am Kim Jongseob. Nice to meet you.", he said while flashing a bright smile. 

I smiled at him. Without realizing it, I was drawn into his beautiful black orbs. I feel my heart beating rapidly. He was staring back into my eyes. We were suddenly interrupted by Gerlyn's voice. 


Gerlyn's POV

Oh god! When am I going to reach the end? I was panting hard and starting to feel breathless. I was going to stop to drink my water when I saw Y/N sitting on a bench with a good-looking guy beside her. I ran to her.

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