Yearning For You (Ren-Nu'est)

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Skye's POV

Just as the sunsets and the day end, the night befalls and darkness sets in, similarly our journey of life, happiness and sadness are inextricably intertwined. Just like my love for Ren and the fact that our love faces many barriers.

It has been three weeks. I barely see him. No words could describe how much I misses him. He had recently made a comeback and he mostly spent his time in the practice room. He has not been home for three straight weeks. The loneliness in my heart is beyond words. No matter how much my heart yearn for him, I need to be supportive of him dreams.

I have made up my mind. I will visit him tomorrow morning with his favorite breakfast. I smiled while staring at our photo not realizing that a tear dropped on Ren's face in the picture.


I woke up and immediately got up to prepare Ren's breakfast. As soon as I was done, I went to the wash room and get ready.

"Hi, I would like to visit Nu'est please.", I smiled to the lady on the front desk.

"Must be Ren right?", she asked making me slightly flustered.

I nodded my head and smile to her. She told me to go their practice room. Without hesitation I got in the elevator. Before I know it, I am already in front of their practice room.

I knocked on the door and Minhyun opened it. Before I could do anything, I was engulfed into Minhyun's embrace. I hugged him back. He is one of the member I am closest and most comfortable with. Suddenly, I felt a strong gazed coming from behind as it someone is staring at us.

I pulled away and turned. There stood Ren looking hurt and confused?


Before I could call him, he walked away.

"What's wrong Skye?", asked Minhyun.

"Uhm, I saw Ren. I should go and see him.", I replied while looking at the direction where Ren is sitting, the corner of the practice room.

"Oh alright then! Catch ya later!", he greeted and walked out of the dance studio.

Ren's POV

The hell is wrong with her..? Does she even care that I'm here?! Does she even love me in the first place?!

My thoughts were interrupted by her voice.

"Oppa! I miss you!", she gave me a bear hug as she squat down to my level.

I pushed her away making her fall to the hard cold floor. I felt bad. But, she hurt my heart too.

Skye's POV

I was stunned by his actions. I felt tears welling up at the corner of my eyes. I stood up and held his arm wanting to hear his explanation.

"Let me go Skye.", he uttered coldly.

He called me Skye..? He would usually called me sweet names like honey, love, yeobo. He rarely calls me Skye. He must be mad when he saw me and Minhyun.

"Why Oppa?"

"You! You are the problem!!! I barely slept a wink every day training hard so that I could enjoy my live with you and yet you touched other guy so freely not considering my feeling! I wonder if you really love me."

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