Most Beautiful Creation Pt.1 (Choi In - E'LAST)

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"Hey Y/N!", a high-pitched voice greeted. 

I looked up and saw my seat mate aka best friend, Sowon, standing in front of my desk. 

"Hiiii! You are finally here. Class is almost starting." I said. 

"Haha yeah. Luckily my dad could drive me today. If not I am going to be so damn late and it's going to be another round of detention.", laughed Sowon. 

"Anyway, are you going to join our field trip to Jeju Island?", she continued asking. 

I shook my head. 

"Don't think so. You know I don't like it to be around big crowd. Not to mention when Rose and her gang will be there. I hate awkward situation.", I responded. 

"Bruh. You should use this opportunity to go. It's one of the times where you can get closer to your crush, Choi In.", she teased nudging her shoulder to mine. 

I smiled at the thought of that happening. 

Dream on Y/N! It will never happen. You think he will like someone who is worthless like you. Well, Rose is definitely spot on with her insults. I am a worthless piece of trash nobody will ever like. 

That instantly turned my smile into a frown. Because it has happen too many times. Me getting rejected by our classmates. When I first came to Korea University, every single that I approached to make friends either ignore or insult me. I mean unlike them, I am pretty much covered up and with the nerdy spectacles, of course they would avoid being friends with. I guess most of them prefers to be friends with those who they deemed as cool. Well, except Sowon who is now my bff. I can't imagine school life without her. 

There is someone else who caught my eyes when I first came. He is two years my senior. He is none other Choi In. He is the most good-looking student in the school. What attracted me to him apart from his good looks, is the kind and polite personality he has. Everyone in the school likes him for his wonderful personality. He is nice to everybody except me. I mean he does not insult me or anything. But he totally ignored me. It's like my existent meant nothing to him. For instance, when I am with Sowon in the cafeteria, he would greet Sowon. But he will never turn to look at me. I am not even worth his 'hi' or 'hello'. I will end up crying inside the bathroom. It hurts to be ignored or bullied. 

"Morning class! Let's begin today's lecture."

My thoughts was interrupted by Mr Kim's voice. 

Choi In's POV

Ugh. My head hurts so bad. 

"Yo, Choi In! You okay?", asked Rano.

"Yeah..", I answered before resting my head on the cafeteria's table.

"You sure bro? You look kinda pale.", he spoke again.

"Just a slight headache."

"You should go home seriously. Don't stay if you are unwell.", he said with full of concerns. 

I nodded and closed my eyes hoping that when I opened them, the pain would already disappear. 

"Wtf! Are you blind?!", a voice suddenly yelled.

I opened my eyes when I heard the loud yelling coming from the tables at the back. I turned around and saw Rose pulling Y/N's hair while shouting at her gaining the everybody's attention. People are starting to crowd around them. I got up from my seat and walked towards the crowd to see what's going on. 

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