My Lovable CEO (Himchan-BAP)

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Jane's POV


There goes my morning alarm. I got up and switch off my phone's alarm. I stretched both my arms and immediately got up to get ready for work. Whew! A brand new day! Along the way to work, I drop by a convenience store to get my favorite chicken sandwich and a cup of hot chocolate mocha. Due to the distance and not owning any driving licence, I got no choice but to travel by bus. 

I worked at Kim's Group as the CEO's personal assistant. I joined the company just a week ago and I was already bullied by the CEO. He is none other than the spoilt Mr Kim Himchan. Honestly, he's handsome and dashing. However, he's a spoiled brat, childish and arrogant at times. Not to mention bipolar. He's nice to all the big shots in the company, fellow colleagues and even to the janitors. When it comes to myself, he would call me names and gave me extra work load which requires me to work overtime . Despite all that, I managed to see one of his really good side I guess. He would always be here in the company when I work till late in the night. He will be the last one to leave the company every day. It makes me feels that he cares about me. Well, maybe not since he would always make fun of me.

Finally I have reached. Pheww. Like I usually do, I start off by preparing coffee and yesterday's paper work for Mr Kim. I knocked on his door and awaits for his response before entering. He was intrigued by his computer and ignored my presence in the room. I observed his suave profile that I was unaware of where I place the file. 

No Jane, you cannot fall in love with him. You will get hurt eventually. I told myself deep in my heart. 

I was interrupted by a loud yelp from Mr Kim. 


"I'm so-"

"Shut up! Sorry will not rewind the time!", cut Mr Kim rudely. 

I could not believe this. Mr Kim will not even give me a chance to apologize. I accidentally knocked over the hot cup of coffee while placing the file and spilled it on Mr Kim's white shirt. The coffee must have scalded him. See how much he hates me? Haissss.

"Mr Kim, let me wash the shirt for you, please. I apologize for my clumsiness. I promise this will not repeat again.", I said while tears trickling down my cheeks. 

Mr Kim's was surprised when he saw my tears. His eyes soften. I smiled sadly and bow while excusing myself. I ran out of the office to see a lot of eyes staring at me questioningly. I shrugged and just give them a small smile. I immediately got back to work as I have to complete one document which is vital for tomorrow's meeting with one of the company's major client. 

Himchan's POV

What the hell was that?! Are mad Kim Himchan?! How can you yelled at her over petty things?! I ruffled my venting the anger I had towards myself. I am in love with her yet I do not have the courage to express it to her. What do I do now? I'm pretty sure she hates me a lot. I even made her cry. Urgh! 

She made my heart beat real fast for her when she first step in the company just a week ago. The angelic smile on her face, her beautiful features and most importantly her kind character. A few days ago, I was driving when I saw her helping an elderly lady to cross the road while helping her to carry two bags of items which I assumes are grocery. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the way she smiles to the lady. I bullied and made fun of her to just get her attention hoping she had notice me. I made her work overnight because I wanted to spend more time with her. Although she was forced to stay, she still did her work willingly and produce good quality reports. She made me fall for her real hard.. and yet now I have hurt her real bad. 

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