056 | Safety

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I stood with my hands covering my sides, trying to catch my breath. I was never the best at running. Brendon copied my action, holding onto the nearest tree, trying not to vomit all over the place. There were actual wolves here. I thought they all left when Namjoon's pack fled.

I thought wrong.

"Do you think we lost it?" Brendon gasped between breaths. He reached into his pockets, digging for his inhaler.

"I think so," I whispered.

The woods were now silent. The rain slowly stopped as the remaining water on the leaves in the trees dripped onto us.

"Let's get out of here!" Brendon demanded. He carefully walked towards the path, looking back and forth at each step he took. I followed him from behind, doing the same to make sure nothing would jump out at us.

We never caught my mum and that man again. I just knew tonight I would be in big trouble. When we reached the opening of the woods, I let out a sigh of relief. We were out safe.

"Hey so... do you think I can hide in your house for a few days?" I pleaded.

"Do whatever, but I refuse to go back into these cursed woods. If you ever think of doing something like this again, you are on your own."

Brendon then stormed off crossing the road. I tried to shout for him but he refused to listen to me. I chased after him and tapped his shoulder. "I'm sorry I almost got both of our asses killed, but we know for a fact there are wolves, everyone was right."

Brendon faced away from me again and proceeded to walk. I followed behind, lost in my thoughts. The wolf was massive. Was it another werewolf? Theo? Or was it just a normal wolf? That was my main concern.

I took out my phone noticing a few scratches on my screen. I watched the apple logo show up on the screen and quickly called Indigo. I needed her thoughts. She was smarter than me with all of this wolf stuff.

The phone went straight to voicemail as I sighed, "Damn it." I mumbled. I felt light drops of rain fall onto my face. The sky grew dark again as it poured down.

"Come on, we are going to get sick at this point!" Brendon yelled. We ran back to Brendon's house to see a police car parked in front of his house.

We watched the front door open to see Brendon's uncle walk out laughing, "Oh kids. You better get in." He worriedly pushed us towards the door.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"It's nothing, just another accident."

I stared at him in disbelief. Something was telling me he was lying. I grew up with Indigo, I knew when people were lying.

"It's about that wolf, isn't it?" Brendon asked.

His uncle's face turned serious as he looked around him, "Just mind your business and stay out of it. I don't want any of you hurt, okay? For me, don't try to get involved."

I swallowed hard, watching him walk off back into his car. The sirens lit up as he drove off. I looked back to Brendon, watching him shake his head.

"I know what you are thinking, Jason. NO!"

"I wasn't thinking about anything. Chill out." I pushed him towards the door as we finally gained warmth back into our bodies.

My thoughts got the best of me. Something was bad. I was too curious to know what was happening, I bet my mother was already at the scene with that guy.

"Come on, let's go play some games."

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