001 | Work

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"So, are we still cool for Saturday?" Jungkook asked as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder

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"So, are we still cool for Saturday?" Jungkook asked as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

I stopped walking and turned to face him. "What are we doing on Saturday?" I frowned.

Jungkook sighed, "Have you forgotten already? I was going to introduce you to my friends, you know... The ones I met last summer."

I bit my bottom lip, not knowing what to say. It was hard for me to talk to new people.

"Please, Indigo, for me," he begged.

"Why do you want me to meet them so badly?" I whined.

We proceeded to walk to the small café we both worked at. It was nice that we both scored the same job with the same shifts.

"Because they are curious. I told them about you."

"You what? Why?"

Jungkook chuckled and removed his arm from my shoulder, "Not in a bad way stupid. They asked if I had any friends, and I told them you were my best friend."

I glared at him and finally gave in. "Fine, whatever." I stormed off, walking in front of him.

"I must have forgotten to mention that you are a bit stubborn."

I stopped walking and turned around as Jungkook stood grinning ear to ear. "Do you have a death wish?" I asked, walking towards him as he stepped back.

"Why are you stepping back? Is little Jungkook scared?" I mocked, gaining some attention.

Jungkook started to laugh at my embarrassment. "You better run," I threatened.

Jungkook didn't think twice and sprinted towards the café, I was right behind him on his tail. I watched him quickly open the door and slam it shut. He stood blocking the entrance door, holding the handle tight.

"Jungkook, that's enough," I laughed. I grabbed ahold of the handle, trying my best to open the door. Jungkook put his ear to the glass window, pretending he couldn't hear me.

"You are such a dick!" I yelled.

I noticed the first customer of the day waiting to get into the building. He stood awkwardly waiting for Jungkook and I to stop messing around.

Jungkook seemed to notice and quickly opened the door, "Hi, welcome, sorry for the wait. I will be with you in a second," he greeted the man.

Jungkook and I did our handshake and went to the back to get ready for the morning. We worked full time on weekends, and part-time on Monday and Thursdays, luckily today was Thursday.

I grabbed my apron and noticed Jungkook already taking the man's order. "Your order will be ready in a minute," Jungkook smiled while handing him his change.

I put on the radio and started cleaning the floors since they were a little dirty.

I noticed two police officers come in and order from Jungkook. They sat down two tables away from where I was cleaning.

"So, how was last night?" The officer closest to me asked.

"It was horrifying. The body was literally shredded, poor girl." The other one replied.

I was never a nosey person, but this caught me off guard. I wanted to hear more. I went to the next table behind them and started cleaning the leftover coffee stains.

"Did they ever find out who did it?"

I stopped cleaning and gathered all of my cleaning products in my hands.

"Some animal, a wolf maybe? But there have been no wolves in Seoul for years."

I quickly walked past them in shock. A wolf in Seoul?

"Don't be absurd!"

I walked away completely, not knowing what else they could be saying. I tapped Jungkook's shoulder as he poured milk into a container.

"Apparently, there are wolves in Seoul?" I chuckled as Jungkook's face went stone cold.

"Are you okay?"

Jungkook zoned out and came back to reality in seconds. "What? Yeah, I'm fine." He wandered off, giving the customers their drinks.

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