035 | I Would Never Leave

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My mind couldn't process what I had just witnessed

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My mind couldn't process what I had just witnessed. The night of the full moon, I had watched him go into that state. But I kept thinking it could have been a side effect of the bite.

Namjoon. What was he? How could he do that?

"Indigo? Come on, I need to get you to safety!" Jungkook yelled, still dragging me.

"Jungkook!" I shouted out, "Stop, just stop." I demanded.

He was refusing to listen to me. Jungkook finally started using more of his strength to pull me with him running through the woods with Jason in front of us.

"Jungkook, stop fucking running!" I erupted, yanking my hand out of his grip.

"You better tell me what is going on or so be it, I will walk back to the house and find out for myself."

"I'm not the one who is supposed to tell you!"

I took a few steps back from him, catching my breath. "Just tell me, I'm fed up with running."

"Namjoon." Jungkook started slowly trembling towards me. "He's different."

"No shit, the man blew up in flames in front of my eyes."

Jungkook chuckled and mentioned Jason to come stand next to us. "We are far from the house. This should be a good area, anyway. Sit and I will tell you," Jungkook instructed.

I sat down, crossing my legs on the grass. We still followed the lake that was next to the pack's house. I picked up a few stones and skimmed them across the water, "This is all from my knowledge, Namjoon will tell you more, but this is all I know." Jungkook sighed.

"I found out about the flames not that long ago. It was the reason we left Seoul."

"What happened?" Jason asked.

"It was my fault. If I never tried to challenge him, we would still be in Seoul with our shitty job. Namjoon and I got into an argument. When Jin separated us, Namjoon erupted into flames behind our back. When we turned around, he couldn't control it and set the house on fire."

I had a flashback in my head from that night I went to the woods. That night I found the burnt down house.

"It was a simple fire, it's okay, nobody got hurt." Namjoon's words echoed throughout my mind.

He caused it.

I looked at Jungkook dead in the eyes, wanting to know more about him. "Anything else?" I raised an eyebrow.

Jungkook shook his head. "No, that's all I know. He hasn't opened up to anyone, we just follow him because he's the Alpha." He sighed.

"Please, Indigo, don't overthink this. I've seen the change in him. We all have. We never knew he could have this positive side to him." Jungkook flashed me a smile.

"You are changing him."

Jason sat next to me chuckling, "So, do you still want to move back to Seoul?" He joked.

I immediately hit his arm, "Okay, I'm sorry, it was only a question." He playfully nudged me.

"You were planning on moving back?" Jungkook became shocked.

"If things didn't work out, yes. I was going to move back." I admitted, the pain in Jungkook's eyes never faded, I instantly felt bad but to think of it, I was forced to come to Alaska.

"But, that won't happen. I have you guys now, I can't leave you all," I walked up and hugged Jungkook.

"We love you, Indigo. It wouldn't only pain Namjoon, it would pain us all if you left," he weakly said.

"Speaking of that, am I really that guy's mate?"

"I don't know Indigo. I just know Namjoon is giving him a hard time. He doesn't want to show you the real monster he is. That's why you are here."

"Don't worry, I'll never leave him," I assured.

Jungkook spaced out for a second, closing his eyes, "It's over. Namjoon wants us home." Jungkook cheered, stretching.

"Wanna race?" He winked.

"Sure, don't come back crying when you are the loser."

Jungkook changed into his wolf form and spirited away gaining a head start, I chuckled under my breath and changed into my wolf.

I heard a loud scream from behind me, "What the fuck?" Jason yelled.

I had forgotten to tell him.


"You know what? I'm not even surprised." Jason said, shaking his head. "You amaze me almost every day, Indigo."

He carefully sat on top of me. I wanted to shake him off but Jungkook was already winning.

"Let's go win that race!"

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