007 | Ignored

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It was now Monday and I was currently in college sitting in my final class

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It was now Monday and I was currently in college sitting in my final class. I stared at the clock on the wall impatiently waiting for it to turn 4 pm.

Jungkook was absent. He never showed. He also never came and picked me up this morning, it was strange of him, he has never done this to me before.

I replied to Jungkook last night, but I got no reply back.

The clock struck 4. I gathered all of my things and walked out of the class bidding my tutor a farewell. I went to my contacts to try call Jungkook for the hundredth time today.

Each time, it would always go straight to his voicemail.

It rang and rang until the familiar voicemail blared into my ears, I huffed and ended the call.

I started my journey walking home, I couldn't think of the last time I walked home. I missed the familiar surroundings, I normally would speed past all this in Jungkook's car.

Today was extra boring, I sat in the library for most of it, I couldn't be bothered doing anything since Jungkook wasn't here to annoy me, it felt different today.

When I got home, I rushed upstairs and got ready for another shift at the cafe. I just knew if he never turned up at college, he wouldn't be at work today either.

I tried texting him again while getting ready.

-Jungkook, answer my damn calls loser.

-Did I do something wrong? Just answer me!!

-I will stop calling you a loser...

-Do I have to apologise for giving you the silent treatment? Is this why you are ignoring me?

I kept spamming him until I noticed it changed from sent to read. I grinned, waiting for a reply, but I never got one.

I got irritated. I was almost hurt that he just left on read.

-Did you just leave me on read? That's not very nice ;(

It showed that he had seen it. I wanted to chuck my phone to the other side of my room.

I finished getting ready and noticed I was going to be late.

I finally left the house, I got my earphones out from my pocket and connected them to my phone. I hit shuffle and walked to the beat of the music, I had to try cleanse myself from today before I started work, I never wanted to look miserable.

I entered the cafe. There were only a few people in here, 5 at the most. I went to the back of the shop and put my bag down and put my apron on.

"Where's Jungkook today? Not feeling well?" Laylin asked from behind me, I jumped slightly by fright, "Oh I didn't mean to startle you," she panicked.

"No, I wasn't paying attention, just lost in thought," I laughed. "And I'm not sure, I haven't spoken to him all day," I confessed.

Laylin frowned, "Well, you can't do this yourself? He is never away from you? This is strange behaviour." She sighed, "I will take Jungkook's shift and give you some help if you would like?"

My eyes widened, "I can't do that to you, you've been working since 8 this morning," I shook my head. "No, no, I insist, I've taken tomorrow off anyway, I can catch up on sleep then."

We went back to the front to see a line of customers. Normally my part-time shifts were fun, Jungkook and I would just work and gossip about our day at college. It pissed me off how he was ignoring me, I can't think of anything I have done for him to be like this? Whatever the reason was, it better be good enough to do this to me.

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