052 | Not to Worry

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Letting out another breath, I rubbed my hands together, feeling the cold air attack my bare skin

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Letting out another breath, I rubbed my hands together, feeling the cold air attack my bare skin. I needed air, but the only way I could get a little freedom was if someone tagged along with me, and to my guess, I was shocked Hoseok and Yoongi volunteered.

Feeling the dead leaves crunch against my boots, I tugged at my scarf. Anxiety filled me, thinking about Jin's last words. There has to be something else, something that could save him.

"Indigo? Are you ready to head home now?" Hoseok asked. Yoongi stood staring at me, pleading I would say 'yes'. A chuckle left my lips. I nodded as I watched them sigh in relief.

"What do you guys think Namjoon should do?" I questioned them. Maybe they knew something nobody else did. I had to find different ways.

"There's not much to do Indigo, this is the worst thing a werewolf could get."

"There must be an easier way. I'll find out myself If I have to. Namjoon is going nowhere."

I stormed ahead of them, noticing the house in the distance. My heart raced again, knowing I was getting closer to him.

I walked into the house a nervous wreck. I was nervous to see him again after my rage about him lying to me. I knew he was only keeping this from me because of how worried I have been over him recently.

I now understood why.

"Where is he?" I asked Taehyung. He sat with Jin, playing a game of cards on the table. Taehyung pointed to the stairs. I got the hint and left them to play their game.

I had the biggest motivation to find a cure. I didn't care how much effort this was going to take. I just knew time was running out, and I had to start now.


I walked into his room to see him in his bed with an ice pack on his forehead. My stomach twisted at the sight. This wasn't the Namjoon I knew.

"Just burning up a little, not to worry, darling." Namjoon kissed me softly on the lips as he hugged my side.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier. Everything is scaring me at the moment and this tops everything." I looked at my hands, not daring to look at him. I wanted to be strong for Namjoon, I had to be.

"Don't worry about me now, okay? My body is fighting it. For now, I want you to take over."

My eyes widened. "Take over? As in, do your role as Alpha?"

Namjoon smirked, "That's right, you have already been doing a great job as Luna don't be surprised at this. Go show them who's boss." He winked before taking a grip on my hand again.

"In all seriousness, don't worry about me. I promise you, I will get through it," Namjoon coughed, trying to say his words.

I nodded, knowing he was just saying this not to worry me. He was too late. I was a mess with the situation ever since I found out.

"Please, Indigo, don't worry."

"It's hard not to. Every time someone says things like this, something bad always happens. I can't lose another person that I love."

Namjoon softly put his hand on my back. I felt myself want to shiver at his touch. He pulled me towards him as I laid down with him.

"Do you want to talk about her?"

"How do you-"

"Jungkook told me a few things but not all. I really wanted to hear it from you when you felt safe enough to open up to me. I trust you with my whole life, Indigo. You will never get harmed in my arms."

"Okay, I will tell you."

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