059 | Running into Trouble

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Everyone gathered together as Jin cleared his throat, getting ready to share what could save our leader

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Everyone gathered together as Jin cleared his throat, getting ready to share what could save our leader.

"I would have never of thought it was this simple. I don't know if it will work since I only read it in a book. I found rummaging through the basement but it has to work." Jin stopped talking, turning his head to look at me.

"It was you all along Indigo, you are his cure."

All eyes were on me. I never realised I was holding my breath until I gasped for air... there had to be a catch to this.

"You see it says here." Jin opened the book and flicked through pages upon pages until he slapped the book on the floor, falling onto his knees for everyone to see.

'If one's mate has been in contact with a poison towards us, the significant other's mate's blood and lavender will be the cure.

"BLOOD?" I yelled, feeling a shiver run down my spine.

"Don't worry, it's just a little like a small paper cut," Jin reassured me. Still, my mind couldn't process it. Would this definitely work?


The wind blew heavily as all six of us wandered the woods, leaving Namjoon with Jin. We were searching for lavender. What felt like five minutes turned into an hour of searching, it was starting to get impossible.

"It was you all along, Indigo. you are the cure." Jin's voice echoed in my head.

Anxiety took over me trying to find this flower. I've walked all over these woods many times and not once have I came across any lavender, which was making me uneasy as I was determined to find some.

Stuck in a daydream, I noticed nobody was around me anymore. Everyone must have split up. "Jungkook!" I shouted. I waited and waited but I couldn't hear him but only the birds from above chirruping away.


"Looking for someone?" The familiar voice asked from behind me. I let out a yell, turning around to face him.


"What the hell is your problem?" I screamed. I stopped for a moment, noticing blood splashes over him. "Don't mind me, just doing my daily hunting!"

"Whatever, just go away." I sighed. I wasn't in the mood to start an argument with Theo today. I wanted to help Namjoon first.

"Do you know how good it felt?" Theo carried on the conversation as he followed from behind me.

"What do you mean?" I rolled my eye not daring to face him. I was back to trying to find some lavender for Namjoon.

"When I poisoned that so-called mate of yours."

I stayed silent. He was just trying to get a reaction from me. I needed to stay calm.

I heard him chuckle at my reaction. "I wonder what your brother is up to these days, I-"

Before he could finish, I ran towards him, pushing him into the nearest tree.

"Why can't you just leave me alone? Stop getting my family involved with your petty little games. Leave me alone!" I screamed.

The smile on his face stayed, "You're a little feisty today, princess." He put his chin on my shoulder, whispering into my ear, "I like that."

My fist immediately met contact with his stomach as he gripped onto it. "Fuck you."

I started running, hearing his yells in the background.

"It won't be long until you're mine."

As if.

I turned around to see him come to a stop.

"Well, I'm bored now." Theo frowned. "I will see you on my next visit." He walked back in the direction he came from and stopped again.

"Go Left." He sighed before disappearing.

Suddenly I could smell the lavender which was coming from the left side. I was unsure if I should go. What if it was a trap?

Without thinking, I followed the scent until I came to a complete stop. I smiled, running faster towards the smell. I had found it. I stared, not knowing what to do. How many do I take? All or only one? I was fighting with my thoughts until a hand touched my shoulder.

"THEO-" I whacked the hand away, turning around to notice Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Theo?" Jungkook questioned.

"I thought you were him. I ran into him trying to find you."

"What? He didn't do anything to you, did he?" Jungkook asked. You could tell he was irritated by the interaction, as was I.

"He admitted to doing this to Namjoon. We need to end this with Theo, but we need to help Namjoon first. Look what I found."

I moved out of the way to show them the lavender.

Their faces lit up as both of them let out a relieving sigh. "Let's go cure Namjoon."

We headed back, calling everyone else to head back home. When we made it to the house, I dazed towards the woods again. Why would Theo help me? He definitely knew what I was doing. Did he have some sort of plan?

"Indigo?" Taehyung called out my name, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I took my attention away from the woods and looked at him, "Everyone is waiting. Let's go in."

I took a deep breath and nodded. This was it.

It was time to save him.

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