010 | Wolves?

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"What are we going to do?"

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"What are we going to do?"

"Where will we go?"

"Everyone, just calm down."

"This can't be happening."

Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung, were rambling on about what to do. We were all clueless. Yoongi tensed knowing he was out of the woods. We tried to assure him everything was alright but he didn't believe us. He hated being out in the real world, he hated humans.

"Everyone, we will be okay! We are together. That should be our main priority, we can't lose anyone. This won't be so bad, I promise," Namjoon said.

We were now a few streets away from the woods, Yoongi was turning and looking at everything. He hasn't been out in god knows how long, his home was in the woods, we were safe there.

"Hey, you'll be fine." I put my arm around him, "I don't feel great being out here, it's a horrible feeling." He shivered.

I looked over Yoongi's shoulder to see a poster pinned on a wooden fence.

'Could wolves be in Seoul?'

"The police have spotted a few traces that wolves could be in Seoul. The recent death of a 25-year-old female has been suspected to be by a wolf. Please remain indoors, don't go out hunting for them. Hunters have been out doing their job if you see any signs, call ..." I read out loud. We all looked over to Namjoon as he stood thinking about what to do.

"We have to get out of here."

"What... again?" Jin asked.

"It's our only choice. If we get caught, we will end up dead. I don't know any hunters here or what they look like, the safe thing to do is go." Namjoon explained.

I felt a stab in the heart. I didn't want to go.

I didn't want to leave Indigo.


I gave up trying to call Jungkook. It would now only cut off whenever I tried to call him, to my guess his phone has been switched off.

"What's up, Indigo?"

"Nothing, just bored."

Jason came and sat at the end of my bed. "So am I. Do you want to go for a walk?"

I sighed and shook my head. "You heard the news, we can't go out. I hope Jungkook is okay," I stressed.

"Don't worry, he is probably at his house protecting himself from the wolves. They are horrible creatures. I hope the hunters find them and shoot them dead."

I frowned. "Will you stop saying wolves? Nobody knows if it is or not, everyone, including the police, are assuming things. They aren't horrible. Don't say that!" I raised my voice. Jason showed a confused face, "Why are you getting protective over wolves?" He raised his eyebrow.

I was trying to find a reason but my mind was blank, "I-I don't know," I mumbled.

"Okay well, I'll leave you alone with your thoughts. Brendon and I are planning on going to hunt for the wolves later tonight. If you want, you can come?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Are you stupid?"

"What?" Jason asked.

"Are you that stupid? What if it is wolves or what if it's much more dangerous? It could be some maniac for all we know. You aren't going anywhere tonight!" I yelled.

"Shhh, mum might hear you shut up. I am going. You can't stop me. I will be careful just don't tell mum."

I was about to say more into the argument until he got up and left. No way was he going out there alone, especially with Brendon. He was Jason's childhood best friend and they still are best friends to this day. Brendon... how can I explain him? He doesn't care about the dangers in anything!

Was I really thinking of going along? A part of me wanted to go with him, I wanted to see what the police and hunters were seeing, the more I thought, the more curious I got.

I stood up and made my way to Jason's room, "Am I really doing this?" I asked myself. Without thinking anymore, I opened his door.

"I'm in. When do we go?"

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