049 | Refusing

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I sat with my back against the door, feeling my backache. Wiping my last tear away, I heard my phone buzz. I grabbed it out of my pocket and noticed it was Jason trying to call.

"Hello?" I answered, trying to hide away my sniffs. "Indigo? Are you okay? You sound like you have been crying."

He knew me too well.

"No, no, just the cold. It's getting chilly now," I sighed.

"Listen, don't get mad," Jason whispered as he stopped talking for a second. The line went silent, making me even more anxious. I worriedly stood up, feeling my knees crack from sitting down for too long.

"What's wrong?"

"I may have told Brendon everything, but he thinks I'm lying..."

My heart raced.


"I know, it was stupid but he could help-"


"Listen, this could-"

"JASON!" I yelled. "Just shut up for a second!" I huffed. I was really not in the mood today for any more bad news.

"Do you know how dangerous this is? He could get hurt if anyone knew about us, Jason. Even if he thinks you are lying or not, just say it was a stupid prank of yours. I don't want anyone getting dragged into what is my fault!"

Jason sighed deeply, he never replied. For a second, I thought he was going to until I heard a beeping noise. He hung up on me.

"He's dead, he's so dead!" I threatened. I tried to call him back, but all he would do was leave me on voicemail.

"Shit," I fell onto the bed, covering my face with my hands. What was he thinking?


"Indigo! Dinner is ready, Namjoon is up and is wondering if you'll join us," Hoseok softly said behind the door.

I instantly felt sick to my stomach, I wanted to be there for Namjoon. I truly did, but with men in this house who treat me like shit, I deserved to feel like this.

"She's not coming out," Hoseok whispered.

"Indigo, what's up? Please come out," Jungkook now asked.

I even ignored Jungkook, it pained me to ignore him. All my mind was thinking about was what Jason was doing in Seoul. He should be living his normal life, not bringing more people into this werewolf bullshit.

"What's going on?" Namjoon's voice could be heard in the background, "She's not coming out of the room, we've tried and we can't get a single word out of her," Hoseok replied.

"Leave it to me, go join everyone. Tell Jin to save mine and Indigo's for later."

I heard them both walk away silently. "Baby," Namjoon breathed, "Tell me what's wrong?"

I bit my tongue. The feeling of wanting to speak to him was strong, I wanted him to hold me and tell me everything would be okay, but I knew it wasn't.

My heart almost stopped as I watched the doorknob turn. I felt the door put pressure onto my back.

"Please let me in, I don't want to hurt you by opening the door."

I gave in and moved away, I never wanted to anger Namjoon while I was on his good side.

The door fully opened, he stood there as if he was pain free.

"Why have you been crying?" He knelt beside me, moving my hair out of my face. I moved my face to the side, noticing my face was blotchy and red in the mirror.

"It's nothing. I'm just being stupid."

"You aren't stupid, don't think of yourself like that!" Namjoon shook his head, bringing me closer to him.

My head fell onto his chest, where the bullet pierced him. He gently played with my hair as I listened to his slow heartbeat.

"I'm all better now. Sleeping healed me a lot. If it wasn't for you running back, I don't think I would have made it," Namjoon smiled down at me. "You saved me."

"It was nothing. I was just doing what I was told. If they never told me, I would have stayed with you. The feeling inside of me when I watched Jin and Yoongi taking the bullet out of you was unbearable."

Namjoon sighed, "I'm sorry you had to see that. I promise you it will never happen again. We are going to find out who did this and have our revenge. Jin will look more into the type of bullet that they shot with."

"Are you still in pain?" I got up from his chest and faced him properly.

"A little, but the pain will fade. So, tell me, why are you locked up in here?"

I swiftly looked away from Namjoon, I was debating on telling him about Jimin. Did he even know?

"Do you think I'm a waste of space?"

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