031 | Welcome To The Pack

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I woke up feeling my whole body ache

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I woke up feeling my whole body ache. The throbbing pain in my leg never left me. My head pounded. I felt like I had a terrible hangover.

Knocks could be heard from the door. I looked up, noticing I was in a different room from yesterday.

The door opened revealing Namjoon. "Indigo, I'm so sorry," he trembled towards me. I shuffled towards the headboard, leaning away from him. "You attacked me, you bit my leg!" I shakily tried my best to yell at him.

Namjoon kept his eyes on mine. "Indigo, I'm so sorry," he repeated.

"Will you stop fucking saying you are sorry?" I snapped. Namjoon shook his head, "I will never forgive myself," he sighed.

"Good, I hope the regret stays with you for the rest of your life!" I shouted.

"You don't even know, do you?" Namjoon asked.

"Know what?"

"Indigo, I bit you," he finally stopped, looking at me and faced the floor.

I didn't get what he was talking about until it hit me, I couldn't put a sentence together. Namjoon moved closer to me as I kept trying to move back until he grabbed a hold of my wrist.

"I'm a fucking dog now?" I screamed.

"A wolf, there's a difference. I'm so sorry, I normally control myself but my wolf wanted to turn you for the mating to be stronger," Namjoon tried to explain.

Tears rolled down my face, "I can't do this. I heard the painful screams last night. I don't want to experience that," I shivered.

I never imagined myself being like this. I felt nauseous thinking about it.

"You have no idea what I am thinking about right now Indigo, my senses of you have heightened. Do you know how hard it is for me to resist you right now?" He whispered, moving even closer now being inches away from me.

I tried my hardest not to blush. Fuck you, Kim Namjoon.

He did what he loved to do best. His lips touched my neck. I bit my lip, trying not to make any noise in case any of the boys were around. "Are you still giving me a chance now, baby?" He mumbled into my ear.

I slowly nodded my head. Namjoon carefully dragged me down as my head now touched the pillows. He laid on top of me and kissed my lips trailing his way down to my stomach. He stopped for a second, smiling looking at how much pleasure he was giving me before making his way back to my lips.

I couldn't take it anymore if he was a monster or not. I wanted to be with him.

I wanted to be his mate.

My body instantly felt better with Namjoon's touch. My leg still hurts but I knew I'd heal in no time.

Namjoon slowly pulled away and stared into my eyes, smiling happily. "Welcome to the pack, baby."

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