046 | Apologise

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"Do you want me to wake Namjoon up?" Jin raised his eyebrow, staring down at me

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"Do you want me to wake Namjoon up?" Jin raised his eyebrow, staring down at me.

I instantly shook my head. "No, don't wake him up!" I pleaded.

Jin walked me over to the bottom step of the staircase, and quietly sat down. "Yoongi is just telling me what I needed to hear. I'm being selfish, Jin. He's given me a news flash that I'm the bad one."

Jin sighed, shaking his head, "Don't let Yoongi's words get to you. He's just overprotective of our Alpha, he's the only one Yoongi can look up to. What you did wasn't the best option, I get it. If I were in your shoes, I would have probably done the same, but this is Namjoon we are talking about. He wouldn't dare hurt you, Indigo."

I held my breath, trying my best not to let any tears fall from my eyes. I wanted to be strong. I had to be strong.

"I've been told that so many times, it's just haunting me now. I feel trapped like this is all some sort of dream." I forcefully closed my eyes, feeling the tears roll down my cheeks.

"I never meant to hurt Namjoon. I just wanted to go and never see this place again. What I witnessed here with Theo was traumatic. Having them both fight over me was too much. I would do anything for Namjoon, but I don't want to see another loved one die... because of me." I mumbled the last few words that now turned into sobs.

"Hey, come here." Jin pulled me closer to him. I felt him wrap his arms around me, rubbing my back.

"It's all my fault! I just want Yoongi and Jimin to trust me again. I will stick by everyone. I won't leave again."


"They will, Indigo, just ignore their childish acts." Namjoon's voice could be heard behind us. I looked up to see him smiling down at me.

"Come on, let's get you back to bed. Thank you, Jin, for taking care of her." Jin slowly nodded his head and gave me a hopeful smile goodbye.

"Did we wake you up? I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry for. I sensed something was wrong and noticed you were out of bed."

Namjoon quietly sighed at my expression as he carefully helped me back to his room and back in bed.

"Tomorrow I will talk to Yoongi. Don't overthink anything. You are all I have ever wanted for a mate."

I nodded my head and slowly shut my eyes, Namjoon's words stuck to me. Why was he being so nice? I hurt him.


I woke up to an empty bed. Namjoon was nowhere in sight. I slowly rolled over and got out of the bed, "Indigo, rise and shine!" Jungkook shouted, opening the door.

"I'm up," I mumbled.

"Damn, you look like you've had a rough night." He said, moving a bit of my hair out of my face, "Ugh, don't make me remember it." I walked over to the mirror in Namjoon's room and noticed my face was still red from crying.

"What happened?"

"Yoongi happened. Jin and Namjoon told me to ignore him, but his words keep sticking to me. I told Jin I never wanted to see another loved one die." I hiccuped. "What if that happens again?" I worried.

"Athena wasn't your fault, Indigo! Always remember that." Jungkook tried to calm me but nothing was working. I hated how weak I have got.

"It's hard."

"I know it is, but you'll manage. You have been brave for years now. You are doing an amazing job. If you get sad, I will get sad. Now let's go downstairs." Jungkook wrapped his arms around me, kissing me on the forehead.

"You are the bravest woman I know. Now let's go find Yoongi and give him a piece of your mind!"

"That won't be necessary," Yoongi said from behind us. We both turned around to see him staring at the floor. "I think I've heard quite enough to say that I'm sorry."

I slowly looked behind Yoongi to see Namjoon smirking to himself. I looked back to Yoongi as he proceeded to talk.

"I never knew how hard you found it here and whoever you were talking about, I'm sorry. I'm sure Jimin will stop by and apologise too. I need to learn not to judge a book by it's cover, meaning I'd love to start over again."

I stood speechless. Nobody has ever spent so much time trying to apologise to me. "I accept your apology. I'm sure I will open up to everyone eventually when I am more comfortable."

Yoongi nodded at my response and slowly looked over to Namjoon, "Now that's done with, let's go for a run!"

"Last one there has to help Jin around the house for a week!" Namjoon yelled, running away from us. Jungkook quickly rushed past me and tried his bed to catch up with Namjoon.

I quietly laughed to see Yoongi standing next to me laughing away as well. "I think we better catch up." Yoongi ran away from me until I sprinted over, trying my best to keep up.

"NO RUNNING IN THE HOUSE!" Jin yelled to Yoongi as he slowed down, "Sorry Jin!" I shouted from behind them, running the other way.

"Not fair! You just didn't want her to lose." I heard Yoongi whine.

When I made it to the edge of the woods in my wolf form, I noticed Jungkook and Namjoon waiting on us. A few moments later, we noticed Yoongi run over to us.

Namjoon howled, running in a different direction we came from. We chased and chased each other. We got to the river, I sat and watched my reflection. Namjoon came over and rubbed his head against mine. I playfully jumped on him and ran away as he chased me.

I ran and ran until I noticed nobody was around and I was stuck not knowing what way I had just come from. Everything looked so similar.

Suddenly a loud gunshot echoed throughout the woods. I felt my heart stop as I tried to locate where it had come from.

I heard Jungkook's howls as I turned around and ran as fast as I could to him. That's when my legs failed me to stand up. There laid Namjoon with his fur covered in blood. I looked up to see Yoongi back in his human form, trying his best to get changed.

"SHIT!" Yoongi panicked. He chucked clothes at Jungkook as he shifted back. I quickly looked away and waited for him to change.

"We need to get Jin quickly! Did you notice where the shooter went?" Jungkook stressed. I cried as I walked slowly towards Namjoon. You could see the pain in his eyes.

"We need to lift him up now, Indigo. Run back and tell Jin!"

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