Chapter 2

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Walt’s POV

Finally. God I thought, I'd never reach the school campus. Cali kept talking about some girl’s night out. I got out of the car and walked to Cali's side to open the door. My mom raised me to be a gentleman. I slung my arm around her and together we walked into the school campus. Almost immediately, we were surrounded by our friends. Me by the team and Cali by her posse. I was almost thankful for us parting ways. One of Dad's employees had the job of picking up my stuff for school. It wasn't her real job, just overtime. So, I already had my schedule and everything ready. Except for my books. At Shallow Lake, you got hand me down books. Every 3 years or so they would refresh the sets. I check my schedule while all the guys kept talking about the try outs next week.

First lesson was Biology/Psychology. Ms. Demi on a Monday morning. I could deal with that. I mean she was a pretty lady! Luckily, all the guys and I had our lockers near each other: half the team on one side and half on the other side of the hallway. So we all went and dumped our stuff, taking out our respective books. We joked a bit about the summer, and then the bell rang. The Bio class was on the other end of the hallway. So much walking for Monday morning. I passed by some of my team mates from my other teams. In addition, all the girls checked out the body. Captain of varsity football/varsity swimming and front runner for track has its perks! Finally I reached class. Just in time too, the late bell rang the minute I walked in.

"Morning Ms. Demi!" I joked. We had history together. Last semester, she was the one who caught me and some cheerleader behind the bleachers. All we were doing was making out! Nothing R rated! Well, and because I'd tried to hit on her a few times last year and over the summer.

"Mr. Smith? You're in this class?" She replied

"Awl c'mon, Demi! No hug? Or kiss?" I wiggled my eyebrows, earning a few snickers from the class.

She raised her eyebrows "I'd advise you to sit before I get even with you for that Walt"

Placing a hand on my heart, "Aww. You’re breaking my heart!"

"Find a seat Walter!" I laughed looking around the class. The only empty desk was at the back and sitting on it was Cali. Bingo. I walked over and plopped next to her as Demi started to write her name on the board.

"Well, my name is Ms. Demi-Walt. Where do you think you're sitting?"

"Erm... Next to Cali. You said find a place. This was the only empty desk!"

"Yes well, erm I did say that...I got it! Mr. Smith you will be sitting next to Ms. Taylor." Um... Who was Ms. Taylor?

"Who?" My expression must have been pretty good because the class started laughing. Demi looked at me exasperated. She had no right to! All I did was ask who 'Ms. Taylor' was!

"Nathalie, if you could raise your hand so your classmate could know who you are" she sighed. A girl with golden hair pulled up into a messy bun raised her hand. She was sitting next to Liz, two desks in front of me. She turned and looked at me with hazel eyes: Nathalie Taylor. Whoa. She was beautiful.

"Well Mr. Smith? Do you want a neon board to help you? Or is this enough?" She was getting angry now. I got up and took my stuff to Liz's side. I knew Liz; she was a cheerleader, and a nice person. I shrugged at her. Quietly, she got up and took my place. I looked at Nathalie Taylor once before sitting down. Demi started her class and immediately Nathalie Taylor started taking notes. Great, I got stuck with the nerd. Just my luck. Today couldn't get any worse! I put my head down and zoned out. About 30 minutes later, I heard Demi saying,

"Alright class, if you could open your books to the exercise and solve questions one through six." What? Solving! Crap, I wasn't paying attention. I felt Demi's glare on me and quickly opened my book and my notebook and read the questions. I mentally groaned. What was all of this? After about five minutes a small voice spoke,

"Do you need help? You seem lost"

"I'm fine. I don't need your help." I snapped and Nathalie Taylor flinched. I immediately regretted it. "Look I'm sorry. Can we start over? I'm Walt"

"Nathalie. No need for intros. I know who you are. “ She said, finishing up her work and closing her notebook.

"It's polite, so... How do you know who I am?" 

"You're Walt Smith. Everyone in the town knows who you are! You don't know who I am, do you?" She smiled as if it was and inside joke I was supposed to know.

"Erm... No. Sorry if I embarrassed you back there." I tried

"That's okay. I didn't think you'd know. In fact, I'd be surprised if you did!" She laughed. That sound. It sounded familiar. Like a distant memory.

"Have we met or talked before?" I frowned "I know you but I just can't place you! This is so frustrating!"

She laughed again, "Try catching hold of the memory, it might help!"

And suddenly everything clicked: Nathalie, her hazel eyes, her smarts, and that laugh! Oh my god. It couldn't be!

"Nat?" My breath was coming short. “Is that... It that you?" This wasn’t happening. It was impossible. Nat? That meant she was going to school with me, and she was across the hallway! That also meant that she was living here too! Which planet was I living on that I didn’t notice her? My best friend was so close and I never knew!

"Hi Walt," she smiled "What's up?"

A/N: Hi! Well that was Ch2. How did everyone like it? Keep voting and commenting. Helps if you recomned this to others as well! all the answered qustions will be answered as the story goes on. I wont be updating for a while. Gonna write the next few chapters then upload them bit by bit :D

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