Chapter 3

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Nathalie’s POV

Biking to school took less time than usual. Probably because I was so excited to see Liz again. Elizabeth Martin, I shook my head. She hated her name and made everyone call her 'Liz'. We'd been best friends since freshman year when we ended up with adjacent lockers. Last year, she'd tried out for the cheerleading squad. She was vice head, second only to Calista. She was beautiful, with glossy brown hair and chocolate colored eyes. Almost every guy liked her. She was sweet and wasn't generally mean; unless you pissed her off. I silently laughed. I'd received a very excited message from her claiming to have lots of details of her family's vacation with the Brown family. Lucas Brown and Liz were together so both families went on vacation to Spain for the summer.  The thing with Shallow Lake is that, everybody is a somebody. The Smith's owned West Coast's largest business. Liz's family ran the town: her father was mayor. Lucas's family ran a successful chain of restaurants.

 I reached school and after fighting with the lock for my bike, I entered school. Being the person I am, I had went and collected my schedule from the office a week ago. Today, I had it memorized. I walked over to my locker and was putting my things in when a pair of hands blocked my vision.

"Guess who?" The voice giggled

"Um... Liz?" I joked back. In return I got a squeal. Laughing I turned around and was engulfed in a bone crushing hug. Ow.

"Liz... You're hurting her! I don't think she can breathe!" Lucas laughed. That seemed to click in Liz's brain.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Nat! I'm just so happy to see you!" One thing about Liz, if she ever got too excited she could be a pain. I laughed at her mood.

"Well I'm happy to see you too! How was Spain?" I shouldn't have asked that. Immediately, she started on this long description of everything. I glanced at Lucas. He was looking at me warily. I was supposed to go on that vacation too.  He and I used to be close. So he thinks of himself as an older brother. He rolled his shoulders,

"Liz, Nat. I'm gonna see if Walt's here yet. We need to plan that 'back to school' party," he grinned and walked away. Liz rolled her eyes. Walt's parties were legend. It usually involved drunken teenagers and very loud music. Another thing, everybody was invited. So, usually there were about a hundred people. Even the people who went to the community college showed up. And Walt sure had the space for it. His family estate was almost as large as the central square!

"What do you have first?" Liz suddenly asked. She had been watching Lucas's retreating figure.

"Um... Bio/Psychology with Ms. Demi. You?"

"Same! C'mon, let’s get to class and we'll get a good seats so we can continue talking. Lucas has Math first," Liz kept chattering aimlessly about her vacation. Five minutes later we were in class, and seated. Ms. Demi walked into the room. She smiled at me. Ms. Demi and Gran were friends. Demi wasn't old! She was in her 30s but she looked like a goddess. She cleared her throat and everybody rushed around taking their seats. Just before the last bell, Walt Smith walked in. I heard Liz sigh.

"He keeps getting hotter every single year, doesn't he?" Walter Smith. Every girl wanted him. And the girl who had him, didn't deserve him. Ironic much? Him and Demi joked a bit and it was pretty funny. I guess some things don't change. He walked over to the desk on the back next to his girlfriend who was busy texting on her phone. Demi started her class when suddenly she said,

"Well, my name is Ms. Demi-Walt. Where do you think you're sitting?" He mumbled some response. Demi seemed to think about it. She looked at me again.

Yes well, err… I did say that… I got it! Mr. Smith you will be sitting next to Ms. Taylor." He looked like a deer caught in headlights!


"Nathalie, if you could raise your hand so your classmate could know who you are," Demi sighed. I heard a few snickers. Oh god. Without sound, I raised my hand and turned to look at him. He caught my eye and all he did was stare. For a full five seconds all he did was stare at me. Creepy much?

"Well Mr. Smith? Do you want a neon board to help you? Or is this enough?" Demi was angry now. He got up and walked over to Liz's side. She glanced at me and took her stuff and went to sit next to Cali. I felt him looking at me again. Is that all he does? Stare at people he doesn't even know? Demi started her class and I started taking notes. Walt glanced at me once more before putting his head down and zoning out.


"Alright class, if you could open your books to the exercise and solve questions one through six." Demi said after her explanation. Walt got up and quickly opened his books. Smart move, I thought. She was glaring at him.

After five minutes, I said to him, "Do you need help? You seem lost"

And he snapped. "I'm fine. I don't need your help." Without realizing it, I flinched. "Look I'm sorry. Can we start over? I'm Walt"

"Nathalie. No need for intros. I know who you are." Why did I just say that?

"It's polite, so…" He shrugged "How do you know who I am?"

"You're Walt Smith. Everyone in the town knows who you are! You don't know who I am, do you?" I smiled without realizing. Cue mental face-palm.

"Err… No. Sorry if I embarrassed you back there."  Way to go Nat, I reprimanded myself, now you've freaked him out.

"That's okay. I didn't think you'd know. I'd be surprised if you did!" I laughed. Why was I laughing! Five minutes of conversation and I'm already going crazy. Oh god.

He frowned "Have we met or talked before? I know you but I just can't place you! This is so frustrating!"

"Try catching hold of the memory, it might help!" I laughed again. Why was I laughing? Then something changed in his green eyes. Like as if something clicked in his mind.

"Nat?" He breathed "Is that... Is that you?" He spoke almost as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Hi Walt," I smiled "What's up?"

A/N: As promised, here it is! :D I don't think anyone noticed, that Nathalie's last name changed. If you did congrats! You'll find out why in Ch5. I have till ch5 written so... 20 votes and CH4 comes! If you have any suggestions or questions or tips on how to make this story better, comment below or tweet me @ItsTarab . Special thanks to everyone who did send in suggestions. Again if you can, please recommend this story to everyone! xx

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