Chapter 17

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A/N: hello everyone! Long time no see. Haha, I actually missed writing this. I'll admit, there's a few changes that I've made to the full storyline. So to all those I already told the old plot to, expect some serious changes. Um... I really have no idea how much you tip someone so I just came up with random numbers. Jason and Aaron are modelled around my two real best friends. I promised myself I wouldn't reveal their names so...

HUGE SHOUT OUT TO YOU GUYS. you know who you are <3

Nathalie's POV

You looked beautiful. Walt. You looked beautiful. Walt. You looked beautiful. Walt. You looked beautiful. Walt. You looked beautiful. Walt.

It was running in my head like a mantra. No matter how much I tried thinking of something else while I waited for Rachel to pick me up, it wouldn't get out of my head. It was stuck in my head. Permanently.

The way Walt had looked at me when I pulled my hair back; it gave me the fluttering feeling in my stomach. And his wam hands on my waist? I was ready to melt right there into his body. To make it all worse, he actually bought me the dress and the matching heels. If anyone else had done something like that, I would've probably been very angry or very upset at them. But somehow I could tell Walt honestly wanted me to have it. It wasn't pity or anything like that. Just genuine care.

I'd see him again in a few hours. He did after all have the reservation for tonight. I looked down at my clothes. A loose white button up and black jeans. Mel had texted everyone saying that's what they needed to wear. Since our old outfit was a black tank with the same pants, it wasn't that hard. Stuck in my thoughts, I didn't realise Rachel's car pull up in front of my house.

"Hey! Where you at girl?" Rachel screamed. I jumped and looked at her.

"Oh, hi,"

"Well? C'mon! We need to get going," I could see Katie sitting shotgun. I smiled and walked into the back.

"Nat! Long time girl! Where have you been?"

"All my li-life," Rachel and I chorused together, quoting Rihanna's song. Somehow it seemed right at the moment. We all burst out laughing.

"Oh well, thank god Mel's is open again. I was running out of money!" Rachel started the car.

"Tell me about it. Do you know how many times I have had to tell this girl no because she asked for my money?" Katie rolled her eyes and looked at me.

I laughed. Rachel loved to throw money away. Katie was more of the keeping type. How she ended up with Jason, I will never know.

I laughed, "Rachel I know how you feel! I was looking thought the papers a few days back. There's literally nothing left anymore,"

"Same girlie. I was like 'ugh. I'm going bankrupt',"

Rachel's car pulled up into the parking lot in front of Mel's. the only thing that hadn't changed about this place was it's name. I looked at the front. When I had started working here, it was a funky hangout type place. But then CCD opened across the block and Mel started loosing business. So she changed it into a full fine-dining restaurant. But the long wait was worth it. From the outside, the place looked great.

"Wait till you see the inside," Katie walked up next to me. I grinned at her and looped her arm with mine. Rachel walked to my other side and looped her arm with my other one.

"Let's get back to work,"


Ten minutes till opening. Mel had me re-check everything about fifty times till now. I could tell she was freaking out.

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