Chapter 27

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Walt's POV

I found walking to be a really peaceful hobby. April started tomorrow and my junior year was rapidly coming to an end. Junior Prom, finals, and a bunch of important things I couldn't be bothered to remember were coming up and there was no denying that I wasn't prepared. Especially walking near the beach and the cemetery. Call me depressed or lonely or whatever but I felt a lot better here. Hints with Dad were back on the rocks except this time, Madeline was out peacemaker. This morning I was sure Dad was about to lose it. I got another warning letter from the school. The same crap over and over again. I had been skipping too many days. I had been getting into too much trouble. I stopped listening to what they all had to say. Mary thought I was taking this heartbreak thing too seriously. I flipped her the finger and walked away.  

But anyways, March 31st proved to be really interesting. For starters, it was pouring cats and dogs. In five minutes, I was drenched to my skin. Second, I was passing the cemetery when I noticed the car. It was like a classic spy movie car: black in color, tinted windows and a cool looking number plate. It looked familiar though.  

I was really beginning to wonder what was going on. Right then, there was another car that pulled onto the road. I slipped between the space between the wall and the church. The driver of the newest addition got out and I think my breath stopped for a minute. It was Nick. He walked over to the car and slipped inside. I debated following him. Just as I was about to slip outside again, the door opened again and Nick stepped out. In his hands was a huge manila envelope. I glanced at the number plate again. It clicked immediately. Of course the late was familiar. I knew that plate.  

Thankfully, I was close enough to hear the short exchange outside the car. 

"Thanks babe. Gimme a call when you need anything." Nick mock saluted before driving off. This wasn't happening. But it made perfect sense. I pulled my hoodie up from under the leather jacket and ran towards my car. Both of the previous cars were long gone now.  

I had to find Nat. And I needed to find her now. 


Nat's POV  

March 31st was probably the rainiest days I'd ever seen. Don't get me wrong, I love the rain it's just that, today was really heavy rain. It was so bad that I couldn't see the street across from the coffee shop when I looked outside.

I had taken today off to just relax. I deserved one Sunday after the whirlwind of the last month. There was so much I had to think about. Walt and the kiss being one of the primary ones. The last incident with Walt had been a close call. I wanted to kiss him, really bad, but I couldn't. He knew I had a boyfriend, and he still kissed me. How was I supposed to know that he wouldn't hesitate in doing it again to someone else?  

Eventually, I had to leave the comfort of CCD and walk in the rain. Aimless walking in the rain helped calm my nerves; however cliché that might sound. 

I probably walked a block when I noticed the car trailing me. I looked back at it and boldly stopped. There were no cars in the parking so the mysterious black car pulled up onto the parking in front of me. That's when I realized it wasn't black; it was midnight blue. I only knew one person who drove a midnight blue Mercedes. 

"Can we talk?" Walt rolled down the passenger window and gave me a nervous smile. I didn't blame him. Every time we had been forced to talk, I'd shut him out. I shrugged and climbed into the car. I shivered at the sudden burst of warmth that hit me. Walt fumbled for a minute before he turned the heat down. I looked at his profile as he did so. His own jacket and hoodie were wet and his face had worry etched all over it.

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