Fill in Chapter

240 11 4

3rd Person's POV

Nat trudged back up her driveway. Her dad had cancelled their lunch, in the morning so she spent her entire day working. To say she was tired, was an understatement. There was a sleek, black car in her driveway (again, she thought dryly). She took no notice and continued walking up. It was all dark, and she didn't see the dark figure sitting on her front porch steps. When she did see it, she was standing in front of it. Dark hair, slumped back and a pair of green eyes were staring at her. 

"I was hoping we could do movie night today?" Nat smiled and gave the boy in front of her a hand. He got up, not letting go of her hand. 

"Did you bring pyjamas?" 

"I was hoping to sleep in my boxers..." She raised her eyebrows. "I'm kidding. I'm wearing another shirt under this one." 

"C'mon Walt," she pulled him towards the house, dragging his feet. He dropped his gaze from her face for his phone, only for a moment. His messages had been sent. 

Watching from upstairs, Gran could only smile at the sight of their linked hands. Obviously, neither of them was in the mood to let go anytime soon. 


Cali examined her nails. Walt's growing friendship with that Nathalie girl was annoying her. Like seriously, who named their kid Nathalie? A couple of phone calls later, the heiress had all the dirt on Nat. Nat lived with her grandmother. Her mother had died when she was seven. Nat and her dad had fought numerous court battles. Cali smiled to herself. Blackmail and manipulation were two of her strong suits. Her phone buzzed with a new text; from Walt. One thing about Walt that Cali actually likes was that he was always quick and to the point. Take that anyway you like. The message had three words: we are done. 9 letters. That's all it took for a switch to flip inside of her. Walter Smith would not crush her. She'd take her sweet revenge. 


Nick's phone vibrated in his back pocket. He looked at the number and smiled. 

"I didn't think you'd call." 

"I'm full of surprises," 

"I can tell. Anything I can help you with?" 

"Yea. There is something I need you to do for me. Think you're up to it?" 

"I'm always up to a challenge, you should know. Tell me what I can do." 

The persons on the other side explained what was needed. With every sentence Nick's smile got bigger. The last one though, was the ultimate jackpot. 

"For every day you keep this up, it's $500." Nick calculated: he'd make $3,500 a week. Not bad. 

"Easy as cake. I know exactly what to do," 

"Great. Keep me updated." 

"And the money?" 

"I'll keep you updated on what to do at the end of every week. One last thing, you tell a soul about this, I will ruin you." 

"Cross my heart," and the call ended. Nick smiled coyly. This would be fun. 


Walt had made himself comfortable under Nat's blanket. Even if it had flowers on it. They were watching horror movies in Nat's laptop; Walt's idea. She was gripping his hand in fear, and her face was buried on his chest. Oh yea, he was very comfortable. One of his legs was thrown across her legs and even though one of her hands was covering her eyes, her other hand had somehow found his. Walt reached over and paused the movie. 

"Are you scared?" No answer. He tried again. Then a meek voice spoke up,  

"Don't laugh at me okay?" Walt couldn't help it. He started laughing. 

"You are!" Nat peeked out from under her fingers, fear filled in her eyes. "Don't worry, I'll protect you. I would say that I'd hold your hand but we already have that covered," 

He winked at her blush. Walt never changed the movie. Part of that was based on the fact that he liked the feeling of Nat's arms wrapped around his torso. Okay that was lie. It was entirely based on that fact. 


Mary's feet had never hurt this much. Stupid event took too much of her energy. Her heels were in her hand and she was climbing the stairs up to her dorm room. Camille, the hostess, had taken Mary and her friends under her wing, making them do work in her business. It was a great way to spend the summer after their first year in college. O e more surprise of the night had been Walt's keen interest in her friends. He sat with them after dinner, drinking and laughing. Possibly trying to avoid that piss off girlfriend of his. So when she got a text from him, in the middle of the night, she was more than angry. He was her cousin; he should know what she gets like when she's sleep deprived. 

'Nat's bday is next week. Surprise party at her place? I'll talk to Gran' 

She found it cute that Walt spent a huge part of his time thinking of Nat. She shipped them a little bit (okay a lot). Even thought she was still asleep she managed to text him back saying that was good and she's notify the rest of her friends. The last thought that occurred to Mary before she slipped into slumber was that there was more to them than what met the eye. 


A/N: let me explain what that was. So basically I realised that I was straying as swinging away from the plot so I needed that to get back. From now on, no more distractions. I will take this very very seriously. Promise!

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