Chapter 31

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Dedicated to one of the people who inspired me to write this story because in all honesty, I would've never had the courage to do this. And I would've never found Wattpad anyway, if you hadn't shown me. Thank you for everything you've done Gwyn

Nat's POV

School sucked. And this is coming from someone who fought with Gran because she wanted to go to school... Everyone stared. I mean, in all honesty, I had gotten used to the staring since Walt and I had re-kindled our friendship but this was pushing it to the limit.

People would talk and whisper in front of the both of us. There were so many times I had to physically restrain Walt because it was going to push him to the edge. And let me tell you, trying to restrain a 5'11 boy with a not fully functioning body isn't easy.

To add to the drama, Cali and her pathetic buddies were such a pain in the ass. They would constantly jab comments at Walt and I. These comments weren't always too polite. Walt, the poor thing, couldn't even answer back because Cali's new friend (yeah, right) threatened to beat him up. Walt, however, was still on probation. But the good part was that Walt team-mates were helpful. One fo the guys, Jake I think, would come pick Walt and I up for school and someone else would drop us back. More often than not, I would drive Walt to school. (It hurt his ego so much). But seriously, they were all really nice people. There was no mention of what our relationship was or about Walt's probation. True, they made jokes on his community service outfit (help out at the homeless shelter, in case you want to know) but they were all really pleasant.

Walt, god he was perfect. Not in the whole cheesy way but he was one of the sweetest boyfriends you'd ever see. I still get tingles in my stomach when I call him that. He spent a lot of his time at my house either catching up on his work or sucking up to Gran who was still a bit vary of him. Part of Walt's punishment was that he had to take three-quarters of all my medical bills. He claimed that it didn't dent his father's income at all but still, I was grateful.

"Nat?" I looked up from my phone. I was going through the pictures and I found all the ones Mary took of Walt and me asleep together in my hospital bed.

"Hey Gran, you okay?" It had become our thing to constantly ask of the other was okay or not.

"Fine. Walt's here to see you... Again." She rolled her eyes and Walt stumbled in. he lifted his hand up in an awkward wave and I laughed.

"Thanks Gran. You look stunning today!" He smiled wide at her. She raised an eyebrow.

"I'm wearing pajamas and an apron." She drawled out and Walt turned pink. She rolled her eyes at him and promised to bring us something to eat. I was supposed to rest myself as much as I could otherwise; we would've gone downstairs ourselves.

"Hi." I barely chocked the word out before Walt's lips pecked mine and quite literally, took my breath away.

"Guess what I got today." Walt grinned at me and dropped onto my bed. He shifted and movies around until his head was in my lap and I was running my fingers through his hair. He froze when my hand brushed against his jaw.

"What?" Teasing him was so much fun. Walt lifted his back and reached for a paper in his back pocket. He straightened out the crumpled sheet and handed it to me. The looked at it and there was a big fat 'B+' written on it.

"That's brilliant!" I ruffled his hair and Walt grinned.

"No kiss?" He challenged. I knew in the next ten minutes, my hands would be above my head and my lips firmly attached to Walt.

I pressed a kiss to two fingers and pressed them to Walt's lips. He raised his eyebrow but didn't say anything.

"But seriously, I'm proud of you." I looked at the exam paper again. It was for Calculus.

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