Chapter 11 - Part 2

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A/N: i'm sorry! i know, long time since update but i have a reason! school's been a pain these days. oh and i've finished chapter 12 and i'm halfway through 13. But the bad news is that i dont have a good internet connection all the time. So update will probably resume again after the 16th.

SHOUTOUT TO ALINA. she's been pressuring me all the time to update. 

Walt's POV

I was on my third drink when I last saw Nat. She was sitting off to the side, Sprite in her hand, just watching everybody. She seemed to fit in yet stand out. Did that make sense? I guess not. I tried to find her again. Instead I bumped into somebody, who didn't want to see me.


Now, I know when I'm not wanted around. And Eric definitely didn't want me anywhere near here. The moment since the alleyway, he kept looking at me like I was a disease.

I mean, what did I do?

Anyways, I had sorta walked into him and he shot me a glare.

"Um.. Sorry," I tried. "I was looking for Nathalie and didn't see where I was going. Sorry."

He narrowed his eyes at me, "Nat said you were a nice fellow. I don't really trust her after your little stunt with those girls over there,"

I blinked trying to remember what he was talking about. Then it hit me. A bunch of college girls, had come up to me a while back. Naturally, they were all giggling, and flirting. So, I flirted back. Asked for their number; planted a kiss on the cheek for one of them. That was the way it worked. You flirt, either you hooked up or you didn't. Either way, it was doubtful I'd ever see them again, so I didn't think it was any harm.

"I am a nice guy. And plus, it's just innocent flirting!"

"Huh, every single time you say something it makes you sound stupider and like more of a jerk," I was angry now. I wanted nothing more than to punch his lights out.

"Well, what's it to you who I'm with? It's not like I'm screwing around with one of your friends!"

His next words were nothing I expected, "Nat's my friend. And if you turn out anything like her old boyfriend, it won't be pretty for you."

And with that threat, he pushed past me and left. I stared at his figure. What was that all about? Nat's old boyfriend? She told me he's cheated on her but Eric made it sound like he was much worse. I'd have to ask Nat about him later. I wonder where she-

"Don't let him get to you," somebody behind me said. My first thought was that it was Nathalie. Instead it turned out to be Jess.

"Huh?" Wow, she' probably really impressed with my intelligent reply.

"Eric. Don't let him get to you." Her voice sounded like Nat's. but there was something different about it.

"He doesn't like me very much does he?" Jess laughed.

"Eric's a strange person. He's the nicest guy in the world, once you get to know him,"

I snorted, Eric hated me and her argument was invalid. I heard Jess laugh again  and realised I'd said that out loud. We settled into silence until Jess suddenly dropped to the sand. My first emotion was panic. But then I looked down and saw her looking up at me, patting the ground next to her. I dropped as well.

Next to the drinks, I saw Aaron and Nat standing together laughing at something. Even though I knew Aaron and Rachel were together, the sight of her and him standing so close, made something inside of me stir. Jess nudged me.

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