Chapter 25

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Nathalie's POV

A/N: A family friend of mine claimed that she wanted to start this book when it was completed. She said (quote): "I woulnt mind printing it and making a book haha" <---- THIS IS WHY I DO WHAT I DO.

Thank you Leyan <3

"Walt... There's mail for you." Madeline and Andrew walked into the library. Walt had his head in his hands and I was trying to get him to calm down. I knew what a panic attack was like and Walt seemed to be having a mini version right now.

"It's the results right?" Madeline handed him the envelope and Walt looked at me for support. I placed my hand on his bicep and gave it a small squeeze. He ripped open the envelope and read through the contents of the papers. A grin erupted onto his face.

"Guess who's going to sit for the externals this October?" He grinned and pulled me into a sort of side hug. Everyone started laughing and applauding. Then Walt did something that no one expected him to do. He walked over to Madeline and wrapped his arms around her small frame. To say that she looked shocked would be putting it lightly.

"Thank you, I know you had something to do with me being able to go back for prep."

"Walt... It was really nothing. I think it would've been a huge mistake if I didn't put all my resources to use."

"Still, you tried and you made sure I pulled through." I could see the pride on Andrew's face. For a minute, I felt a little bit out of place in this family moment.

"This calls for champagne!" Andrew jogged out of the underground library. The thing about Walt's house was that they had so much in this house. You'd never really have to leave. There was a gym, library, a bazillion rooms and a pool. What else could someone possibly need?

Walt grinned at me and I couldn't help but smiling back. All the hard work had finally paid off. Madeline excused herself for a moment. I hope I imagined the sneaky look she gave the both of us.

"You did it!" I clapped for Walt. He ran a hand through his hair.

"We did it." He corrected me. The past few weeks had been a bit tough. Ever since out little incident in the cemetery, things had changed a little bit. I'd sometime catch Walt staring at me and it never failed to bring butterflies to my stomach. He gave me hugs more often and on the rare occasion when Nick was around he became really solemn. And it didn't stop there.

Things with Nick had been different too. He got into a fight with Walt (of all people) in a bar. They were both drunk off their arses and they decided playing 'let's beat the crap out of people' was a good idea. I saw them both at the police station, in lock-up. Safe to say, I hadn't spoken to either of them. More still, Nick was a lot more protective. It was becoming a little bit suffocating.

Anyway, Walt and I sat in a compassionate silence until Andrew came back. Along with Walt's official re-entry into the external papers, his results from the last batch had come (an A in English, Math and French). The champagne bottle was opened and four glasses were poured out. Walt handed me a glass.

"Nat?" He pushed the glass towards me. I declined. "Aw, c'mon! One glass won't get you piss drunk..." He joked.

"That's what Eric said before he got me down shots." I deadpanned and everyone erupted into laughter.


I looked down at my phone: two new text messages. The first one was from Gran asking on Walt's results and telling me that she was on her way. The second was from Nick. I was in no mood to see what that was all about.

"Gran's on her way. Do you think we could wait for her?" I bargained and Walt smirked. I had grown to love that smirk. But sometimes I just wanted to press my lips against his and wipe it right across his face. I might not have a pathetic life, but I sure as hell did have a complicated one. Walt sighed and put his glass back onto one of the tables.

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