Chapter 12

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A/N: I tried something different at the start of this chapter. Tell what you think in the comments below :) don't forget to VOTE. By the way, I've got a new system for updating. I'll update the next chapter as soon as the one after it is done. Like I'll upload 13 as soon and I finish 14. Anyways, enjoy :)

3rd Person POV

Andrew Smith stood in his bedroom agitated. His son hadn't come back home after the argument yesterday. Not that he didn't trust Walt. He was almost an adult now; he could make his own decisions. He tried to rack his brain for any hint for where Walt might be; he was, at the end of the day, a father. Then it hit him. Nathalie had been with Walt before he left. Her house was probably his best option right now.

Walking out of the house, he picked up the keys from behind the garage door and sped away towards a home, he used to visit many years ago.


The first thing Walt noted was that his head was going to explode. The second being that his arms were wrapped around the slim waist of Nathalie. He stirred a little bit causing the girl in his arms to shift slightly. The headache splitting his mind right now wasn't allowing him to think properly. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew they hadn't done anything to be ashamed about. Walt being himself, had gotten drunk and Nat had driven him back. He'd begged her not to back to Smith Manor and she'd let him stay with her. Groaning softly, he tightened his arms around Nathalie and fell back into slumber.


Gran started her day like usual. Shower, breakfast and then the house work. Nathalie had come back home a little later than usual and she had brought Walt along with her. In the state he was in, she was surprised he hadn't puked all over her kitchen floor. He had reminded her so much of his father. Many times in Annabelle's high-school years, a very wasted Andrew would show up and he would end up staying the night. And so, she didn't think much about it.

Only when Andrew Smith himself showed up on her front door, did she begin to realise how much had changed.


Nathalie had never felt so comfortable in her life. She had the vague feeling somebody was holding her. She dismissed the feeling as another one of her dreams. After all, who did she have that would hold her this close? The rational part of her wanted to open her eyes and punch whoever had the gut to stay with her. The other part though, only wanted more sleep. Eventually, the irrational side of her got the best. She shifted and dozed off.


Andrew stood outside Annabelle's old house. It looked just the way it did when he was in high school. Not even a micro-millimetre of difference in the building. There was one difference now though: the girl that he used to visit was now dead and he was looking for his son. Knocking the door, he found himself face to face with the most surprising face. Aunt Taylor.

She had aged. Obviously, she had a granddaughter that was in high school now.

For a minute, they both gazed at each other. The older woman was the first to speak,


"Taylor," he replied evenly.

"It's been a long time."

"Yes, it has been. Still living in the same house, I see." Taylor smiled. She ushered him inside and asked him what the occasion was.

"Walt didn't come home last night. I got worried and since he'd left with Nathalie yesterday, I hoped that he would be here."

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