Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

A/N: woah. Twenty chapters. This is in Nat's POV btw. The cover on the side is by KityGirl123. Check out her profile okay? :D

10 votes till the next one. Seems fair right?


I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow. I'm not even exaggerating here. Monday naturally sucked. First day of the week was always a little bit tiring. Especially since I had ­­­­­loads of work to finish.

Thankfully, Nick saved me from a lecture from Mel.

"Wake up Nat." He poked my side. Too late, I realized I had been really close to falling asleep.

"Sorry. Fifteen more minutes till I can go home and sleep!" He chuckled.

"Tiring weekend?"

"Yea... Sunday especially. Party finished late and then I was opening gifts and all so I slept late..."

"Oh crap. Yesterday was your birthday! I'm so sorry. Happy belated birthday Nat!" He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. I think it was supposed to be a hug. I would've hugged him back but almost immediately, he let go. The clipboard I was holding had poked him. We both started laughing.

"Thank you. I am now officially seventeen years old."

"What does it feel like? To finally grow up?" He leaned on the counter and smirked at me. I shrugged.

"Not too different..."

"Well how about I take you to dinner tonight?" I did a double take. Did he just ask me out?

"That's sorta the general idea... But if you don't want to that's uh cool-"

Great way to embarrass myself. I said that out loud. I gave him a small smile.

"Dinner is good. Seven?"

"Seven is great." He bent and kissed my cheek. I blushed. "Gimme that."

Nick took the clipboard from my hands and flipped to the reservations. Under the 20:00 he scribbled, Nick Jenson +1. With one last wink, he walked directly out of the door.

 "Look at you... Scoring dates already!" Katie came up from behind me. She slipped the clipboard off the desk and stared at the list. A smirk formed on her lips.


"I already decided what you're wearing." Oh lord save me.

News travels fast. Within the hour that I got home, I had already gotten three calls from Mary and Jess. Both of them were super excited that I was going out. Geez people, it was just a date. I wasn't marrying the guy. I rolled my eyes as I cut the 5-way call. Each of the girls decided that giving me fashion advice was a good idea. So in the end, and after a really loud shouting match, I ended up cutting the call with all of them. I seriously did not have to deal with their crap. Either I could deal with them, or I could be late. That one was fairly obvious. My phone started ringing for the billionth time today.


"Whoa. Didn't you were seriously pissed." I could hear Eric smirking.

"Did any of my dear friends tell you to call?"

"I could hear Mary all the way across the dorm." I sighed and went through my clothes again. "Excited?"

"You're making this worse you know."

"I know. I'm assuming the girls grilled you for outfits and whatnot." When I didn't answer, he chuckled.

"It's not the first time I'm going out. I think I can manage it on my own."

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