Chapter 29

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A/N: Hello again loves! How are y'all feeling today? Well, first I'd like to say sorry for the late updates these past few chapters. My school is just so ugh, you know? Anyway, there’s a lot of time jumping here but we really need to get the story moving. By the last part of this chapter, it’s somewhere around May 4th (high five to everyone who understand the reference) 

Two weeks later in Walt's POV

I trudged across the rows of phones and glass windows. It was my second week here and I was sure the next thing I was going to Dow as get sleeve tattoos. So far, I had already broken a few things, punched a wall, and got into a fight with someone. This was going to look brilliant in from of the judge...

Anyway, I slid into the chair only to see Jason sitting patiently on the other side, the phone pressed against his ear. I raised my eyebrows and picked up the phone.

"You wanted to see me?" I drawled out. He rolled his eyes and began.

"You okay?" That caught me by surprise. I leant back and nodded.

"I've seen better but hey, you snooze, you lose." He cracked a half smile and relied,

"More like you get drunk and -tell you what I won't even continue that. “I rolled my eyes at him. He and I were alike, maybe that why we got along the best out of the entire group.

"Good idea. Why are you here?" I cut to the chase. He immediately straightened up and rubbed the slight stubble on his face.

"Well, it's about Nat." I must've had a bad expression on my face because he corrected himself. "I know Aaron already had this conversation with you but this is about something different. She's better Walt."

I sat up in my chair. I leaned against the counter type surface between us.

"No way. So I'm getting out of here?" He gave me a sad look.

"Not exactly. Look, all of our group was there day and night, in case something in her condition changed and something did and the doctors were really happy so that's what I came to tell you."

"You came fifty miles to tell me that?" I all but screamed at him.

"No. I have a uh... friend who works in the DA office in Boston. Your case goes to Boston by the way so I asked my friend to speed it up. You'll get a court date as soon as Nat is well enough to get out of the hospital."

"That could be months."

"Then you stay here for months. Look Walt, Nat means the world to me. And when she told me that you and her were close, I'll admit I wanted to rip your head off. I saw what Lucas did to her. And I didn't want you to do the same. I'll be honest here; I actually wanted to send you to jail. No pun intended."

"None taken." I chuckled dryly.

"My point is that you're a good guy and Nat's-"

"An amazingly beautiful girl who I don't deserve even in my best dreams." I saw the look on his face and smirked coldly. "I've seen the articles too."

"Don't listen to articles. You're different and you're just what she needs."

"A sociopath?"

"Don't read the articles."

"You can't tell me what to do."

"I can slow down your case."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Stop! Look, I didn't come all this way to argue with you. Now listen to me very carefully, Nat's been in a state of shock ever since they removed her off the endorsed coma. She's gonna get better soon but it's gonna take a lot of work. And I'm gonna need your help."

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