Chapter 24

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A/N: Hai hai everyone! I have a confession to make. At first, I was a little bit embarassed of this story... I was actually thinking of deleting it. Don't worry, I wont be doing anything like that.. However, I will start editing this whenever I find time. But the chapter is here so... yeah. Oh, to all my friends reading this, my phone has gone for service so I will not be in contact for 15 days. Just incase anyone wants to whatsapp me or whatever (yes Sumaeyah, I'm talking to you ;))

Enjoy xx

Nat’s POV

Tutoring Walt wasn’t so difficult. Contrary to popular belief, he was actually pretty smart. I smiled to myself. Walt was currently working on his next problem. Papers like Physics and Chemistry really did give me a headache when I studied for them. It had been two weeks since we had started studying together. It was now a little bit into February.

Our schedule was exact. Walt and I got Friday nights off. Saturday and Sunday were dedicated to studying. Now naturally we didn’t study all the time, but the hours we did spend were hardcore with unwavering concentration. After that, Walt and I would usually go up to our spot at the cliff. Once the snow would completely melt off, we’d probably take our books up there.

We both had Wednesday’s last lesson free. So we decided to squeeze revision time in there too. Walt was set that he wasn’t about to sacrifice his precious lunch time and training time so that’s why Wednesday came into the picture. But with every up comes a down and time spent with Nick went down drastically. I now only saw him when we were working. It was a little bit sad but Nick understood. At least, I hoped he understood.

At the last Shallow Lake vs. Westin game, things hadn’t gone too well. In a moment of hurry, I ended up wearing Westin’s school colors (green and white) as opposed to wearing our school colors (gold and red). And that pissed almost everyone off (including Katie and Rachel). In my defense, I was running late on my way from work and in a rush I asked Nick to pick something out. To all the perverts out there, my undergarments drawer was far far away from where Nick was choosing clothes. Anyway, the confrontation didn’t go down too well with Walt; especially since Nick kissed me in public. Walt completely lost it then, and we argued. To make it all worse, Cali had shown up. Surprisingly, she was the one who broke our fight off. Walt snapped at her to (quote) ‘get her slutty hands off and to get lost’. Now he didn’t say get lost exactly, but some words cannot be repeated with certain company.

But anyway Shallow Lake won. Ironically, Lucas scored the winning goal so the entire team (save for Walt, of course) lifted him up onto his shoulders. Like a classic cliché movie, Liz had to go up and kiss him and the entire crowd had to cheer. Nick surprised me while I was watching Walt receive various well wishes. He was captain and it was obvious he was running low on energy. His face was drenched in sweat, and he was literally dragging his feet. I eventually apologized to him and we were back to our usual routine. For some odd reason, I thought about all this as Walt and I sat on the hood of his car. We were at the cliff, taking a break from all the revision notes. The sun was setting and the glow across the town was breathtaking.

“You’re awfully quiet tonight.” I started at the same time as Walt, who said,

“Penny for your thoughts?” We both laughed and Walt gestured for me to speak first.

“How come you’re so quiet?” He smiled and gave me a side-glance. For some reason, I felt my face flush.

“I don’t wanna ruin the moment.” I raised my eyebrows and he continued. “I feel like if I say anything, it’ll crack the bubble we’re in right now. And I really like spending time with you. So, it would really suck if this moment got ruined.”

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