Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Nathalie's POV

After Walt left, I went back to the kitchen and plopped myself on the counter. Honestly, this was too much to handle: Walt's impromptu visit, my confession... I sighed and put my head down. I don't understand that boy. There's too many different phases in him. One second, he's looking at me as if he wants to jump me, the next he's reassuring me, and then he's holding me together. I looked up to see Gran smiling at me. I stared at her blankly.

"Well that was unexpected."

"Sorry, I had no idea he was coming. Ugh." I groaned and dropped my head. I heard Gran laugh.

"He seems like a sweet boy. Looks just like Andrew did when he was this age."

"How do you know what his dad looked like in high school?" I mumbled from my position.

"Andrew and Annabelle went to high school here. Best friends both of them." Gran shook her head. "I see a lot of Andrew in Walt. Andrew used to drop by randomly, send flowers because he felt like, sometimes he would fall asleep here too. His mother used to joke that he spends more time here than he did at his own house!"

"Mom and Uncle Andrew were friends?" This was new.

"Yes. Then in college Andrew and Fredrick became friends. And then though common friends, Annabelle and Fredrick became friends. Then I suppose you know the story."

"I know the rest." I paused and then whispered "I told him, Gran. About Dad."

Gran walked over and placed a hand on top of mine, "you trust him."

"I don't even know why I told him. I mean, he was asking about family and then he said that I could trust him and that he'd be there for me and then it all just tumbled out." I rambled. Instead of giving some advice, Gran laughed. I looked up and stared at her.

"Oh dear. I'm sorry. You're not used to having him around anymore. I remember when you two used to tell each other everything!" I cracked a smile.

"Yea. Oh god." I laughed thinking about all the times we'd had together.

"You seemed rushed going back upstairs," Gran smirked at me. I turned scarlet. She laughed. We continued joking and talking until late in the night.


I didn't sleep well. For some reason, every single cell in my body refused to calm down. I kept tossing and turning. And everytime I would doze off, memories from Mom's funeral, the endless court battles, the days I spent at the Social Services Centre would haunt me. All too soon, my alarm clock started ringing. I groggily sat up in my bed. I had fell asleep with my books and laptop sprawled on my bed. I groaned. Rubbing my eyes, I put everything where it belongs, made my bed and began getting dressed for school. From the beginning I knew this day would suck. I got shampoo in my eyes, slipped on the way out of the bathroom, and dropped almost half of my things. I wanted to scream. On top of it all, I still felt sleepy. Which automatically put me in a bad mood. I sulked down the stairs to hear Gran laughing with someone. I walked into the kitchen. Immediately, I shaded my eyes. The sunlight streaming through the glass was too much.

"Speak of the devil and it shall arrive!" Gran laughed. "Good morning Nathalie!"

I frowned with my eyes closed, "morning. Today isn't my day. Morning Walt" I turned and reached over for the cereal. That's when what I had said registered. Walt? I blinked twice before turning back and staring into the face of the boy in front of me.

He grinned, "Morning beautiful. Took you long enough to realise it! And are you okay? You don't look too well."

Gran seemed to realise that also, "Nathalie, did you sleep well?"

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