Chapter 28

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A/N: Don't kill me. By the way, check out this new story by storywriting101. It's called An Obscure Luminosity and the link is in the external link! :D by the way, if you're on phone then use the number 25702462 in your search button xx

One week later

"And in other news, there is still no update on the condition of Nathalie Taylor, a seventeen year old who was recently involved in a sever accident with Walter-" Andrew switched the flat screen in his bedroom off. There had been a segment on the accident every single day on the news.

Walt had been in and out of consciousness for a week now. The pain killers he was on had a sleeping side effect. Andrew mulled over the situation silently. During these times, he got on what Madeline called the 'deep look'. Madeline herself had been a little week since her blood donation and Andrew just blocked all thoughts from his mind. He sighed deeply.

"Andrew?" Madeline's cool hand pressed onto his head. He looked up to her and smiled a little. She had just showered and her hair was pushed onto one shoulder. She walked over and slid into the silk sheets with him.

"Are you okay?" She linked their fingers together. He kissed the side of her head and the smell of her shampoo wafted to his nose. He had the vague sensation of déjà vu from the first time they ever sat together.



Eric tugged on Mary's sleeves. Both their eyes were bloodshot and they hadn't slept in days. Even if they did sleep for a while, they would immediately jolt awake.

Nathalie had come out of surgery after 15 hours. There was a lot of damage. More than what is expected when a car driving above the speed limit hits you. She had lost a lot of blood and was currently in ICU. Ironically, Nat and Walt were both laying next to each other. Difference was, one of Walt's hands was handcuffed to the bed.

Anyway, Mary fought against Eric's hold and pressed her face to the cold glass. Out of all of the group, Mary had kept her composure. She hadn't broken down publicly and in fact, she had been helping take care of everyone who dropped by to visit.

"Mary, we have to go." Eric whispered soothingly. Visiting hours were long gone and the nurse had told them twice to leave.

"Five minutes." Her voice was hoarse as if she hadn't had water in days. Eric set his head on her shoulder. She was worrying him.

"C'mon Mary, they'll still be here when we come back. And we'll come back first thing in the morning, I promise. I'll bring you myself." He didn't even finish his second sentence when Mary's head turned towards him and her lip wobbled slightly.

"And if they aren't? Walt is my family. Nat is my best friend. She's like a sister to me. How do you expect me to walk away so easily?" Her voice rose with every word till she was shouting at him. But as soon as she was done shouting at him, she slid against the wall and erupted into sobs. Eric slid along with her and . For a few minutes he didn't say anything and just let her cry.

"Nat's in a medically endured coma. You were there when the doctor came. And Walt's on painkillers. He needs all the rest he can get."

"I feel responsible." She chocked out.

"You're not. No one is. They were both at the wrong place at the wrong time. And if you wanna take blame then we're all at fault." He rubbed her arm soothingly till her sobs subsided slowly. They both just sat there for a while. The nurse who came by before saw them on her next round but she didn't say anything.

"What if something does happen to them?" Mary whispered and wrapped her arms around Eric's waist. He sighed and put his chin atop her shoulder.

"Then we're all gonna hold hands and make it through together. We'll help Gran because, let's admit it, she does more for Nat than any of us. And if Walt makes it through, we'll have to help him too. Guilt is a real twat."

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