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Once again, it is crucial that you read the warning at the end of the "||Characters||" chapter if you have not...



I whistled a soft toon as I cleaned all the tools. My dad let me close up the shop tonight.

With the rain I'm sure that he went to sleep pretty quick. I always liked listening to the rain though.

I was sitting there when I heard loud knocking on the front door. I sighed.

It's probably another hobo asking for money.

I opened the door and said "Look man we're closed-" I looked up and I saw a tall and gorgeous woman. She was soaking wet.

"I'm sorry it's just...the lights were on and my car won't go above five miles per hour. Can you please help me." She was beautiful.

"I'll open the garage, you drive the car in." She nodded softly and went back.

I went into the garage and opened it. I went to my bathroom and grabbed a few towels. By the time I did that she was pulling in.

I closed the door behind her and she got out the car. She was shivering so I gave her the towels

"Thank you." I gave her a nod and went to the side of her car. I turned it off and did an inspection.

"Looks like you need an oil change and a new tire." She looked sad. "How much is that going to cost me."

She was so hot, I could barely hear that question "Hello, how much?" I snapped back and said "Nothing as long as you answer my questions. What's your name?"

She stared at me before saying, "Melissa, why are you interrogating me again" I started with the oil. "Because I'm going to have to clean these tools again. Why are you out, it's 10 at night, you should be home."

She sighed softly and said "I just needed to clear my head and sometimes a late night drive helps." I could understand.

"You new to town or something?" She nodded softly and said "Yes I just moved here with my boyfriend. I'm going to be a principal at the high school-" I did a long exasperated sigh.

"You're my principal. That really upsets me because I think you're really hot and if you're a strict principal it'll make it even harder to marinate you." Her eyes widened and she gripped the towel tighter.

"Well now I feel really uncomfortable." I changed her oil and rolled over the tire. "My name is Finley, Finley Williams but everyone calls me Finn. Your local delinquent..."

I put the jack under her car and continued, "Like it or not you'll see me a lot and I'll definitely get sent to your office. I'm telling you now so you can mentally prepare to deal with me. There aren't many principal's who quit in the middle of a semester."

I changed her tire and she said "So you're a oversized elementary kid with a increased libido. If that's all I have to deal with then I'm sure I'll be fine."

I smirked softly as I turned to her "Melissa is it? I would tread lightly. I always get what I want."

She hmm'd softly "The thought of us ever being involved makes me chuckle because even if you stand on the tips of your toes, I doubt you could reach my face." I hate being short.

I finished her tire and stood up. "Whatever, you're done." She slowly came over, "You sure I can't pay you Finn."

I moved the jack "You wanna pay me with a kiss." She folded her arms and I chuckled "No it's free so go before I change my mind."

She got in the car and I got a business card. I opened the garage door and went to her window. She rolled it down. "I'm not kissing you."

I handed her my business card "It's my dad's shop so if you need more work done come back. I can do a bit but not a lot. I'm in the mechanical engineering magnet, the automotive engineering pathway to be specific but I'm sure there are some problems I might've missed."

She took the card and said "Thanks Finn" she gave me a smile.

My heart skipped a beat and I could feel the heat rush to my face. I looked away so fast "Bye" she left.

That smile...she's dangerous.


I'm giving this one more try for myself and you guys.

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