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"Stan I don't want to hear it!" He threw his hands up "What do you want me to say Melissa, I love you but you won't touch me anymore. I'm trying to be faithful."

I threw my wine on him and he stood up "That's it! Get out of my house and don't take my car."

I packed a bag and I left. I need to get my own place, living with him isn't working anymore. He's too controlling and I can't take the verbal abuse.

I walked for at least an hour until I found some place that looked familiar. Then some guy started following me. I walked faster and faster and I almost started running but he caught me.

"Where you going sexy." He grabbed my face and wrapped his arm around me. I was paralyzed in fear

"You shouldn't be out by yourself, I'll take you somewhere safe." I tried to struggle but he grabbed me tighter.

I then heard, "Rodney." We both looked to see Finn.

She was on her board, smoking a joint. She stared at me and got closer. She grabbed my face and pulled me to her level.

I then whispered "Help me Finn." Rodney ran and she sighed "Stay here."

She rode after him and I heard a series of groans, grunts, and cries of pain. After ten minutes she came back and pulled me on the skateboard.

"Finn why are you smoking marijuana." She looked at the ground "Medicinal purposes." Yeah right.

She rode me back to her place and said "You need me to call a cab." I was quiet for a bit. "I don't want to be alone, can I stay with you tonight please."

She rubbed her neck "Stay here so I can clean a bit." She went in her room and I waited patiently until she came out.

I went in and put my bag down. "May I use your bathroom Finn?" She nodded and I took my bag into the bathroom.

Her shower was amazing, the pressure was perfect and in that time I had to evaluate what I was doing right now. This is like cheating.

After my shower I put on my pajamas which was just a night gown and I kind of regretted it because of how short it was. I went out of the bathroom and she was making a pad on the floor.

"Finn you can sleep in the bed with me." She stood up and grabbed a pillow. "No I'm good." I laid in the bed and she turned off the light.

"Melissa why'd he kick you out." I love when she says my name, I get all tingly inside "I got upset during our argument and threw a drink at him."

*Sips Holy Water*

She giggled and I chuckled softly as well. "Melissa can you please let me redo the kiss for this week."

I sighed. "Come up here and kiss me Finn." She got up and climbed on the bed. She got in between my legs and I whispered "Careful."

You must go to the other book to read the rest of this scene.


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