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I was in Melissa's house and I glared at her "Why do I have to sweep."

She was watching television on her couch. "Because you tracked in all the dirt after I told you not to ride that skateboard in the house."

I kept sweeping and murmured "I would so vandalize your property if you weren't hot." She looked over and stood up.

She came over and leant down "What was that...short stuff." I scowled at her something evil.

Stan came in the room "Why is she still here Melissa. Isn't this against a code or something."

"Her father asked me to babysit, what do you want me to say Stan." He came over and said "Shes 19! Her father asked you to babysit a grown woman, do you see no problem with that."

I'm not going to lie, Stan has a point. "But she isn't bothering anyone, she's sweeping."

He looked at the ground "A blind woman can sweep better than this." I was actually offended. I sweep the shop all the time.

"Why are you out of your office anyway Stan, what are you doing down here" he sighed and said "I'm about to leave out, I need to go to the office for a few hours."

She was quiet, "On a Saturday." He nodded

"Yes, the office is open still and I need to turn this evidence in." She went to the closet and grabbed his jacket. She handed it to him and went upstairs.

"Jesus. That woman always thinks I'm about to cheat on her." I nodded softly.

I then shrugged "You don't make yourself convincing when you don't even know what day of the week it is."

He looked confused and I patted his back "It's Sunday Stan, your office is closed." He waved me off and he left with nothing, not even a folder in his hand.

I went upstairs to her bedroom and she sighed softly "I guess we're both cheaters so I can't be mad anymore."

"Hold that thought." I said as I got up and went to the bathroom.

I washed my hands throughly and climbed on the bed. Then I climbed on her.

"Melissa." I said softly. "What did you call me in the living room." Her eyes widened.

"I didn't mean it Finn, I'm serious I didn't-" I covered her mouth and I heard footsteps.

I pulled her up from the bed and pushed her into the bathroom. I closed the door and waited on the bed. The door door swung open.

"What are you two doing!" Stan yelled. Melissa opened the bathroom door and said "I was using the bathroom, what is your problem."

"Why is she standing in our bedroom then Melissa." He said in a almost yelling tone.

I grabbed the lamp and I went to him "Lower your fucking voice right now before I beat the breaks off of you."

He folded his arms. "I'm sorry I just, I heard the bed creaking when I came in. I had forgotten my wallet and I didn't know what was happening."

She leant on the doorframe "And if I was sleeping with her. If I was receiving head or if I was getting some well deserved, clean, and untainted dick in that bed. What would you have done. Would you leave me...perhaps you would kick me out of the house."

She picked up his wallet and said "All the things you have done to me that I have endured are things you can't handle."

She stood in front of him and said "I'll never sleep with another man Stan I promise because you..."

She pulled a condom out of his wallet, "You have ruined men for me."

She put the condom back and gave him the wallet, "Tell your secretary I said hello and I love her new perfume...it was on your jacket last night...and the night before."

He just had a defeated look as he left. She stared out of the window and watched him leave "And he still left."

I stared at a fully heartbroken and vulnerable woman, watching the man she loves leave to be with another woman.

She looked at me and said, "Did you want to continue." I wanted to cry for her.

I stood up and hugged her "You don't deserve that." She hugged me back and whispered, "What do I deserve Finn?"

I pulled back and whispered, "To be happy." Tears welled in her eyes and I held her tighter.

I can't wait to beat that jerk up.


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