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Melissa and I haven't really been talking since the breakfast incident. I was on room arrest today as well because of the Mr Jeggun incident where I walked out of class. They put me on room arrest for one day of the trip.

She watched me and by watched me I mean she watched tv while I scrolled through my phone. This is not how I expected to spend my birthday.

There was a knock on the door. I didn't want to see Stan so I flipped over.

She got the door and I heard "Oh hi Logan." I jumped up and ran to him. I jumped on him and kissed his cheek a bunch of times.

"Hey you sexy specimen you." He laughed and came in. "Hey Finn, I came to drop off your birthday present." He sat down on the bed with me and Melissa sat on hers.

He handed me a box and I opened it. I looked to see a camera.

I looked at him and he was getting all teary eyed "We won't be going to the same college Finn..we'll both be leaving town so I got you a camera and I got myself one so we can capture as many moments as we can before we leave each other." I hugged him and he hugged me back.

I wiped my tear that fell. "I love you Logan, I really do." He hugged me tight. "I love you too Finn."

He's been my best friend since pre school so this is going to be hard for us.

"Thanks Logan. Now get out there and hit the slopes because come tomorrow I'm whipping your ass." He laughed as he stood up "Yeah right." I giggled and he left.

As he left Stan walked in.

I sighed and he said "Melissa, my coworkers really want to talk about the wedding arrangements, let's go." He grabbed her arm and she pulled away "Stan not today, Finn is on room arrest."

"Gosh can this brat stop ruining our vacation." She smacked him and it was quiet.

"No one and I mean no one calls her a brat, especially not you when for the past few days you have been flaunting me around like you've been good to me." I wanted to smile so bad but I didn't want to make her more upset.

"Now like you do your job, let me do mine, I will see you tomorrow Stan." He left and slammed the door.

She looked at me and I looked at the bed. "Melissa I'm pretty sure you've called me a brat." She sighed and came over to me. "That's different, I never really mean it."

She sat next to me. "I ordered you a cake, it should be here soon. I'm sorry I've been distant, I just have never had someone say the things you say to me and it really messes with me sometimes."

She looked at the bed and then she smiled softly "Ready for your gift." I nodded and she went in the bathroom.

I crossed my fingers and whispered "Please be lingerie, please, please, please."

She came out holding a box. I huffed and she came over. In a concerned tone she asked, "Why that face?" I shook my head and took the box "Finn be careful."

I ripped off the wrapping paper and opened the box. I pulled out a skateboard but it wasn't just any skateboard, it was the one that dickwad ran over.

My eyes teared "But how, what...when-I..." I was at a loss for words.

"I asked your dad and I got down every small detail and he gave me pictures. It took a month for the tires to get here because they're custom but it's the same board, the exact same." She looked proud.

I hugged her tightly and she hugged me back. She looked accomplished.

I wiped my falling tears, "Thank you, I love it. It's better than the lingerie." Her eyes widened "You thought I would come out the bathroom in lingerie."

I put the skateboard in the box. "A girl can dream." I put it in the corner.

I can't wait to ride that tomorrow.

She smiled softly "Well I'm glad you liked it, I wish I could make your birthday better but there isn't much to do here." It got quiet.

I climbed on the bed and climbed on her. We were face to face and I said "I know what'll make my birthday better."

She shook her head and looked away. I made her look into my eyes. "This is your last chance to sleep with me before I give up and let me tell you..."

I went to her ear. "There is a reason none of the girls in the school spit on my name."

I gripped her neck and smirked "Besides...why not enjoy yourself one last time before you give it all to that shrimp dick."

She gasped and said "Finn-" I cut her off "I'm serious Melissa, this is your last chance to sleep with me."

She gripped my shirt and whispered "One time ok." I. Call. Bullshit

To be continued...


Once again, if you want to read the next scene, you have to read it in my sex scenes book that is located in my reading list.

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