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I could walk properly and proudly again.

I was helping my dad in the shop and he asked, "So since Melissa moved out, does that mean your sex life is over?" I laughed and shook my head.

"Finn what's going to happen when you go to college?" I sighed.

I hated thinking about leaving her.

"She has her freedom to do whatever she wants." He looked shocked.

I then said, "I know. I'm selfish and I know. I want her to remain untouched for me but that's unrealistic and she has needs and if I want her I need to respect that. For goodness sake, I want to marry her but I can't take the guilt of trapping her."

He was staring behind me and I turned, she was there. "Is that the truth Finn?" She asked softly.

I nodded and she cleared her throat "Frank when I was at work I think someone slashed my back tire."

Aw man...she just got this car.

My dad nodded and she gave him her keys.

We went to my room. I sat at my desk and she sat on the bed. She was quiet.

"Finn if you really want me to wait I will." I took a deep breath "I don't. I'm serious, I want you to do whatever you want to do but for me, please do whatever that is with caution."

She smirked "Condoms you mean" that was a jab, I could tell. "Yes, condoms. But with your taste in men I doubt you'll even feel a thing."

Her jaw dropped and I looked at the ground. Then I heard giggling.

I looked up at her "Youre right, I have bad taste I know...but for the first time I chose right."

She came over and sat on my lap. She tilted my face up and kissed me. I deepened it and she pulled back.

"Melissa if you wait I'm not forcing you to wait." She was about to pull off her shirt but I heard a footstep.

I rolled us in front of the door and put the chair against it. The door tried to open and I heard my Mom. "Finn...Finn I think I gave you my floral blouse by accident."

Melissa got up and looked in my dresser. She handed it to me. I opened the door and gave it to her.

"Tell Melissa I said hi." She whispered.

I closed the door and looked at Melissa "She said Hi." I jumped on the bed. She came over with me.

"How can you hear footsteps so well." I cupped her face and whispered, "When you're a bad kid there's just a few things you're always listening out for."

I kissed her neck and she pulled me away "The shop is open. There are a bunch of men and they're not hearing me moan."

I glanced down, "I'm only going to kiss it." She smirked "I call bullshit."

I bit my lip and laid on her lap. I leant down to her vagina and whispered "I miss you too girl, I know she's stingy. I miss your lips as much as you miss mine, trust me." She laughed and rubbed my scalp.


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