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Why the hell was I crying, I was the one who hurt her.

I turned and I could see Finn sleeping in her bed. When I told her that I would never love her I could see her color drain and the life in her eyes just dim. It was the biggest lie I've ever told.

The truth was Stan proposed and I said yes but only because I struggled to resist Finn. I was falling for her and I thought if I went back to him it would distract me but it didn't.

It's just making her self implode and I feel like double the asshole I already am.

I wiped my eyes and then I heard "Melissa are you crying." I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear her get out of bed.

She came over to me and grabbed my face. I pulled away "Finn I'm fine." She hopped in the bed with me and got under the covers.

She pulled me close to her and closely examined me. I don't know why her hands felt so nice on my skin.

She then whispered, "I don't know why you said yes to him but you did. Maybe it's a good thing...I need to go to college and all." I sniffled and she rubbed my scalp.

"Maybe settling down will be good for you." I cried a bit harder and she sat up "Ok Melissa. You have to talk to me here."

I sat up and said "Why do my feelings for you continue to grow if I'm trying to commit to him."

*Sips Holy Water*

She wiped my tears and said "You can't control your heart. No one can...not even me." I stared at the bed. "What will I have to do to make you behave on this trip."

You have to read this next part in the book located in my reading list.


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