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I ended up telling my dad I broke it by trying to grind on the sidewalk. He doesn't understand skater lingo so he didn't really understand how I 'broke' it.

I'll just have to work a few extra hours to get it again but all the stickers and designs and the custom tires are things I'm not sure I can get back.

I've just ridden my penny board for the past couple days. Like right now as I was riding through the halls.

I rode to Melissa's office and the door was open so I rode in and as I went through the door I saw someone step in front of it.

"Move!" I fell into them and we hit the ground but they broke my fall. I sat up and said "why didn't you move-" it was Stan and my hand was on his crotch but I felt nothing...well I felt something but it was barely there.

I stared and he said, "Get your hand off of my dick" I moved and stood up.

I closed the door and she sighed "Finn I told you that would happen, stop riding that thing in the school."

Stan looked at her "Expel her, she's riding a skateboard in the halls and she fondled me."

"No, I'm not going to expel her. I'm just giving her a warning." She came over to me and took the board.

I sighed and he said "What type of school are you running here" she glared at him "Go. Now." He stormed out and she sat down.

I went over and sat on her lap. "Hi gorgeous, can I get a kiss." I puckered and she pushed me on the floor.

"It was worth a shot." I stood up and she put my board in her closet. "You'll get it back later."

"Another thing, when my hand was on his crotch-" she cut me off and said "I'm aware..."

I glanced around and then whispered, "Of his tiny problem." She glared and I held in my laugh.

"I don't fall in love for sex but for personality." I stood up, now I was a bit confused "But you said we're similar so you should be in love with me too."

She rolled her eyes "You're charming but you're far too immature so I don't see myself falling for you any time soon." But she didn't say it'd never happen.

"I can be mature when I want to be." She didn't believe me. I didn't blame her though. "Can I kiss you again for another week of peace and quiet."

Before she could object I said "Isn't the superintendent and the board coming this week too." Her eyes widened.

I knew I caught her so I went to the door and locked it, then I closed the blinds. "Finn don't make it as long as last time please." I climbed on her lap. "I can't promise that."

I kissed her and cupped her cheek. Then there was loud knocking on the door so I pulled back "Melissa I forgot my wallet!"

I looked back at her and she said "That's your kiss" the bell rung and she pushed me off of her "Go to class Finn."

My blood boiled and I was heated like fire from the pits of hell. I probably turned red from how mad I was.

I went to the door and quickly opened it so he got hit in the balls with the doorknob. He fell on the ground and held them, I stormed out.

Fucking Stan.


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