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There is two problems now that my parents know that I'm a gay teenager with a sexy ass woman in my bed every night.

My first problem is that they will now always be on alert.

My second problem is that I can't do my recreational activities such as smoke pot while she's in my room.

I slowly reached for my bong and she paused the movie, "What are you doing." I sighed.

"You already made me do my homework, I just need to distress." She stared at me "Your homework was a word search for beginners French."

I put my head down on my desk and there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." My mom opened the door "Just checking on you two, how's your work coming along Melissa." She looked at her lap "I just finished so I might read for a bit."

My mom looked at me and I said "You can just say you're here to cock block Mom." Melissa's eyes widened

My mom then replied, "It's clearly working, look how angry you are."

I clenched my fist, "Yeah you and Dad just laugh it up. It's not like I've been asking you two for a sibling for years."

"Children are expensive and even though sex feels nice you have to practice it safely" I nodded.

"Why does a married couple have to practice safe sex Mom, riddle me that." She looked away.

"You're talking about me practicing safety. I will practice safe sex when you two aren't breathing down my neck every five seconds!" They both just stared at me.

I groaned and stood up. I grabbed my things and my board then I left. I rode around the neighborhood a few times and smoked the joint that I managed to sneak in my pocket.

I hate when I blow up sometimes it's just...hard. My mom and my dad have a rocky relationship because she's a translator for a major corporation so sometimes she has to go to different companies for long periods of time.

One time she cheated on my dad while she was in Paris and that wound has been really hard to heal. They are still together for me but I can tell things are rough and it causes them both to be distant.

I guess smoking just clears my mind and meeting Melissa gave me a whole new purpose.

I got back to the house and went to my room. Melissa was watching tv. She quickly sat up and I glanced in the mirror.

My eyes were red as hell.

I closed and locked my door. I went over to her and whispered, "I'm sorry I let you down." She shook her head.

"Be honest, how often do you smoke." I rubbed my eyes. "Once a day...maybe twice."

She took a deep breath "Limit it to every other day and I'll turn a blind eye." I agreed to that.

"Your mom and I spoke after you left and she said they'll come in once every three hours." I chuckled softly and she giggled.

"Melissa..." I said softly, "Do you really only see me as a friend?"

She came down to my ear and whispered "I don't want to have sex with my friends." I quickly turned to her.

*Grabs Holy Water*

She smirked and cupped my chin. "But it's ok, if you want to be friends that's ok...unless you want to assume the girlfriend position-" I quickly nodded and she giggled.

You must go to the other book in my reading list to read this.


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