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I was excited because she let me massage her today. But Stan said I could only do it if he watched me because he didn't trust me.

Melissa's and I stared at him "Stan are you really going to sit right there."

Melissa was wrapped in her towel on the bed and he was next to us, sitting down. "Yes, that girl is not trustworthy."

I have a name.

She dropped the towel and she was in a bikini "Melissa isn't that too revealing."

She laid on the bed and said "Just because you haven't seen me this unclothed for months doesn't mean a bikini isn't in my wardrobe."

"Don't you think maybe, just maybe, if we had sex I wouldn't cheat." She laid on her stomach

"We had sex on a regular basis before the move but you still slept around. I don't even want you this close to me honestly." Shes brutal today.

I used the oil and rubbed it down her back. Then I massaged her back. Stan was staring at my face.

"For someone who proudly sleeps around you're very protective over who touches your wife and where. I personally think that if you gave her some sexual freedom your relationship could possibly work." I said.

"Not happening." I wanted to smack him.

I rubbed the oil down her back and went to her legs. I was trying to keep my excitement to a minimum.

Stans phone went off and he sighed, "Give me a minute ladies."

He stepped out of the room and she whispered "How are you holding up." I went to her face and kissed her.

I pulled back and whispered "I want to taste you" she grabbed my chin "Trust me, I'm containing myself as much as you."

I went back to it and Stan said "I have to leave for an hour. My boss just called me and asked me to come in."

She sat up and said "Then we'll finish the massage another day. Besides I have to take Finn home." He left and she changed.

She drove me to my house and I went in with her. "How long do I have to wait for a checkup Frank."

My dad looked at the lot "Three hours, do you have somewhere to be." I had the perfect opportunity for my innocent, unsuspecting father.

"Would it be weird if we watched a movie in my room while we wait, I'll sit on the floor." He shook his head and we went into my room. She looked excited.

I closed and locked the door. "Wait one sec." she looked a bit confused. I grabbed my camera and took a picture "Finn what."

I sat next to her and said "I want to capture your smile so I always know my reason for coming back."

*Sips Holy Water*

She climbed on me and kissed me. I didn't mean to turn her on.

I then whispered "And I want a sex tape, I'm serious."

She rolled her eyes and continued to kiss me. There was a knock on my door.

I moved and went to get it. I stepped out and it was my dad "Hey, my appointment just canceled so I can move her to right now."

I sighed and whispered "Dad be my wingman here." His eyes widened "Finn that is your principal."

I nodded softly, "Dad she is super hot, let me try to put the moves on her please."

He folded his arms "Not one word to your mother about this. You know she's flying in next week." I zipped my lips and walked into my room.

She was on the bed in her underwear "You know I can hear through the door right." I turned my television all the way up and climbed on her.

"Then you heard that I'm about to put the moves on you." She smirked and said "I saw all your moves on the trip."

I grinned and kissed her chin "I'm so happy you think that because. I pulled out my bin of surprises

"I'm excited to let you know where most of my paychecks go." She looked nervous.


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