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||Five years later||


I was so annoyed. Stan was on my couch across from me. He was helping me pack so I could move back home.

"Another guy, down the drain." I said as I sipped my wine.

He went over to my bookcase "Melissa I bought you all these books on how to build a strong relationship and they never work."

He rubbed his forehead, "With me you held on to any little hope we could work but with these other guys if they slip up once they're done. Why did we even break up."

I stared at him "You're an abusive asshole. Sorry...was. It only took marrying your secretary, having her cheat on you and take all your money, then you became a decent person."

"No one is perfect Melissa." I call bullshit.... Finn was perfect

He took out a book "What is this" it was mine and Finn's photo album.

I sipped my drink and said "Pictures of the affair I had while we were together. The first person I ever truly loved."

He opened the book with a quickness and his eyes widened "You were actually sleeping with that-"

I glared and he sat down "Young woman." I nodded and he flipped through the book.

I went over and sat next to him. It'd been at least a year since I looked at this book. I'd always break down before I got to the end.

He flipped to the end and there was a cd. "You still have that video player right." I nodded.

He put it in and went to it. As soon as it came on I heard, "Alright I'm recording Melissa."

I ran over and took the cd out so fast. "No!" The video stopped and I held the cd to my chest.

"Melissa don't tell me that was..." I nodded softly and he looked pissed.

"Melissa I asked for a sex tape for years!" I glared at him and he put the album down. I closed the book.

"Melissa you looked genuinely happy in those pictures, what happened." I could feel myself tearing up.

"She was supposed to come back last year but um...she got into a relationship and didn't come back. I really loved her." The doorbell rang and he gave me a box of tissues before going to get it.

"Uh Melissa it's for you." I went to the door.

To my surprise I saw Logan. I wiped my eyes and said "Logan, I thought you'd be on Broadway by now."

He smiled "I am but I'm visiting town." But why was he here.

"Finn is back." I got quiet and he said "With her girlfriend from college."

That hurt my chest.

He cleared his throat "Finn isn't happy."

I pulled him inside and closed the door.

"What do you mean Logan?" I asked. He sighed and said, "When Finn went away she started doing really bad. Mentally she was a wreck."

I had no clue. "Then she met Amber and they hit it off but Amber was verbally and mentally abusive. She cheated on Finn twice and I know because I had to wipe her tears over the phone" that was horrible.

"And when they got into an argument three years ago Amber burned every single picture Finn had of you. And she caused Finn to fail some of her classes so that's why she was in uni an extra year." My jaw clenched

He then continued, "Finn is not ok and she is trapped. So I'm here to politely ask you to walk in and snatch Finn back. And I mean forcefully. I would like you to take your girlfriend back immediately."

I sighed and brushed my hair out of my face. "Logan I can't, that's wrong."

He nodded softly and said "I thought you would say that so I slashed your tires. You'll need to go to the mechanic anyway. When you see her you'll know what I'm talking about." He left.

I just got those tires.


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