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I was at the shop fixing cars with my dad. Then a familiar car pulled in. He wiped his hands off, as did I and she got out of the car, and by she I mean the Sexy Principal herself.

"You actually listened to me and came back." She nodded softly "I just want to make sure nothing is wrong with the car."

My dad came over "Hi I'm Frank. What can I do for you." She turned to him "Hi Frank it's nice to meet you, I'm Melissa. Finn was so kind to fix my car last weekend but she said I should come back in case she missed anything."

My father chuckled "I'm guessing she likes you because Finn is better than me at fixing cars, she can reach every crevice." She looked over to me and I looked at him "Inspect her car dad."

He put the rag on his shoulder and said "Alright well it's going to take me about ten minutes on the car next to yours but then I'll do a full body inspection. Come back in thirty minutes and I'll tell you what needs to be done."

She smiled softly "Thank you, do you mind if I just walk around the neighborhood." My dad shook his head and she left.

"Whatever her car costs, take it out my paycheck." He chuckled and said "You must really, really like her then." I honestly do.

"Finn you might want to walk with her before Rodney sees her." Shit.

I went and grabbed my board and I rode around the corner. She got really far. I caught up and she said, "I kinda wanted to walk by myself."

I slowly rode next to her "Finn!" I looked across the street to see Rodney peeking out his window "You know that pretty lady!" He yelled. She glanced at me.

"Yeah! I don't want to beat you up again man!" I yelled back. He waved me off and said "No need for that, have a good day Finn!" I rolled my eyes and she looked confused.

I didn't even want her to worry about him. "So on a scale from one to ten, how happy are you in your relationship." She sighed.

Before she could say it I said "Before you go on the professional boundaries thing. You coming to my dad's shop crosses those boundaries and we aren't in a professional setting." I could see her start to budge

"If I called the board right now they'd have a problem with this and I already told you I want to be your friend." She folded her arms.

She then said "Personally I don't desire to sleep with my friends."

I threw my hands up "And I'm sorry you don't have attractive friends." She giggled and I smiled.

I nudged her and pursed my lip out. "Probably a...six, I don't know, lately we've been going through a rough patch and it's difficult to get out of. I believe we can pull through."

I kinda wanted to know more about what happened because it clearly makes her sad "Care to explain, maybe talking about it would help."

She then started, "We lived together and I had just been given this offer for my current job and I wanted to take it. But I was unsure because he would have to quit at his firm if he wanted to come with me."

She sighed deeply, "We started arguing about it and then I found out that he cheated on me."

The way my jaw dropped in that moment. "So I made up my mind and I just moved. And he came with me because he wants to repair our relationship but I made him tell me the complete truth and he cheated a lot...like a bunch."

She took a deep breath. "So I'm conflicted on whether I want to take him back and he's frustrated because I won't touch him. I'm just so mortified that I don't know what to do. I've been lied to for years and if you cheat, you lie, and I wanted to marry him but I don't know."

Wow that is tough and she really seems to love him. I mean I will soon be changing that but it's still very tough.

"If it helps he's an idiot and I think that you deserve better but it's nice that you want to work it out." We turned and started to walk back.

She looked a bit sad but I knew what to do to cheer her and myself up. "You know how to ride?" she looked at me and it was a long pause.

She glanced at the skateboard "Oh...no I can't, not a skateboard." I smirked.

She rolled her eyes "Shut up Finn" I got off and said "Hey I mean good for you, being sexually prolific and all."

She blushed softly and shook her head. I motioned her to me, "Get on" she sighed and got on.

She immediately lost balance but I held her up "Calm down, please stay still." I walked her down the street while she was riding the skateboard.

"Finn I don't like this." I got on the skateboard and put her feet between mine "Just hold on" I held her close as I skated down the street.

She giggled and said "I get why you like doing this."

I know, feels like I'm flying. And having her hold onto me was also a plus. Especially because I basically got a face full of boobs the whole time.

We got close to the shop and I slowed. We both got off and she fixed her hair as we walked in.

My dad told her about her car and just some things that might need to be dealt with in the future.

She was very grateful "how much is it." My dad shook his head "On the house." She looked at me and I opened her car door.

"See you at school." She got in and said "Goodbye Finn." She left.

I couldn't help but smile.


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