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Man, job searching is hard. Melissa was paying the bills but I wanted to pay them.

My father always taught me that if I spend more money on the bills then my partner will have more money to spend during holidays and I can get more extravagant presents.

Since almost all my presents are Melissa wrapped in a bow on our bed, I'd love for her to spend as much as possible on lingerie.

Melissa stopped the car. "This was the one my dad goes to so I hope it works." I walked into the mechanic shop.

It was Dave's vehicle maintenance shop.

"Hi, is Dave here?" I asked. The receptionist walked me into the main garage area where there were people working on cars.

"Dave this young lady is asking for you." He came over, "What can I do for you."

I was a bit nervous "By any chance do you have a mechanic position open, I'm looking for a job and I have my degree in automotive engineering so I know exactly what I'm doing."

He rubbed his neck "It has been a bit busy but I'm sorry, you're just a bit too young for me kid and newbies make a lot of mistakes. You seem nice but I can't afford that."

I nodded softly and the guy in the back said, "I bet if it were Melissa he'd say yes."

He turned, "Do you guys shut up." They laughed.

I raised my brow. "Melissa?" I questioned.

He sighed "High school best friend who they're convinced I had a crush on but we were truly friends. She was dating some hotshot and I fell in love with my high school sweetheart. News is she moved back to town but her number changed so..." he shrugged

I was quiet "She tall...about 6 feet with blonde hair?" I asked. He nodded and said "Taller than the average woman definitely."

"Let's say I could find a way for you to see this Melissa again, could I have the job." He scoffed and said "Yeah, hell, I'll start you at 16 an hour if you find her for me."

I picked up my phone and called her "Hey how's it going?" I glanced at him.

"Great, baby can you come inside for a second I just want you to meet someone." He looked super confused.

After a minute she came in and his jaw dropped.

She smiled "Dave, oh my goodness, it's been forever!" They hugged and he hugged her back. I took a deep breath.

Jealousy ran through me but I had to remember that this was Melissa and not Amber. She won't cheat on me and she respects boundaries.

"Melissa you look amazing, wow. I didn't know you knew this kid I mean...wow. Last time I heard you were dating a lawyer right?" She shook her head softly.

"Yeah that didn't work out." Bet her ass it didn't.

The guy in the back then yelled, "Then are you single because you're beautiful!" I rolled my eyes.

She shook her head and motioned to me "This is my girlfriend, Finn." The silence in the room was deafening.

I grinned and shook his hand "I'm honored to accept the job, I'll be back tomorrow to sign the paperwork. Thanks for the opportunity man." He shook my hand and chuckled "I like you kid"

After that we left and went home. I told her everything that happened. She thought it was pretty funny. Once we got home and I cooked for her. I took culinary classes at college so I was the chef of the house.

She didn't mind at all.

I don't know why but I'm looking forward to those days where I come home from a long day of work and I'm greeted by Melissa and a baby. And we cook dinner together and eat as a family.

I made her some homemade orange chicken and rice with broccoli. She enjoyed it.

"So what movie and we watching tonight?" I asked. She then had the nerve to say,"Magic Mike."

I huffed and she giggled "I finished unpacking and I found you something Finn."

She came over and gave me a book. I immediately knew it was my photo album. I quickly opened it and I saw our photos. I just cried.

She came over and hugged me "I love you to the moon and back Melissa." She held me tight.

She then went to the last page and I saw a CD. "YES!" I immediately knew what it was.

I pulled it out and kissed it. "I forgot I put it in there. Oh I missed this" she chuckled and sat down.

"You can't possibly tell me sex with Amber was that bad." I got quiet.

"It wasn't bad it just didn't mean anything. That's all she wanted from me. Even after she cheated I still had to..." I took a deep breath and shook my head.

"I'm yours for the keeping Melissa." She tilted my face up and kissed me.

"Is it a bad time to bring up kids." She whispered. I pulled back "Only if it's a bad time to bring up marriage as well."

Her face said it all. I got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box. "One thing Amber didn't find..."

I opened it and continued, "Was where I kept this. Will you marry me Melissa."

She nodded and teared up. I jumped up and kissed her as I put on the ring. I love this woman with everything in me.


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