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I drove very slowly to Frank's mechanic shop. I pulled in and I'm not going to lie, I was nervous. I finally managed to get out of the car.

Frank came out and he looked amazed, "Melissa it's been forever, how have you been."

I nodded softly and whispered, "Is that girl hurting my baby." Frank nodded and worriedly said, "Shes not eating anything. It's really bad."

Finn loves food though. She loves it so much she forgets to chew and tries to swallow it whole.

"Where is she." He pointed to her room. I handed him my keys.

I then said, "Slashed tires-" He cut me off and shook his head "Logan already told me, it was my suggestion."

I went to her bedroom door and knocked. When the door opened I saw Amber.

I could hear Finn say "Babe who is it."

She just closed the door in my face and I heard arguing. "Why would you tell that woman to come here Finn!"

I pulled out my bobby pin, I'm so glad Finn taught me how to pick a lock.

"What woman, I can't see through the door!" I picked the lock and opened it.

I walked in and it got quiet. They both looked at me.

Amber looked annoyed "Can you leave. She has a girlfriend." I went to Finn and sat down.

I pulled her chair to me. I then kissed her. I had been wanting to kiss her for so long. Amber forcefully pulled us apart.

"Finn what the fuck!" I looked at Amber then I looked back at Finn "If you made me promise not settle for less, why would you do this to yourself Finn."

Finn started crying. "She burned all my pictures, she broke my skateboard you bought, and she scratched the CD of Logan's high school play. I'm sorry Melissa."

I hugged her and I looked at Amber "I'm 6'1 and by the time I get her to calm down, if you're still in the neighborhood I'm shoving my foot up your ass so pack all your shit, go home, and delete her number."

Amber started to pack her things. Finn cried harder and I held her. I managed to calm Finn down and then she explained everything, how they met and all.

It only took me a little bit a time to realize Amber for her was Stan for me. She did everything to try and make it work but it just didn't work.

*Sips Holy Water*

I was mad because Finn looked emotionally and physically drained. I felt so bad. "Melissa I haven't had good sex in so long." She climbed on me

I then quickly said "Finn don't you think we should get tested first, I mean we've both been with people."

She kissed me and whispered, "She made me get tested every two weeks, I'm clean I swear." I better never catch that girl in a dark alley.

Finn was still kissing me but I made her stop. "Finn what if I have something." She shrugged and said "If I get it from you I don't care what it is." That is the most dangerous mindset I've ever heard.

It has been a few weeks. I contemplated and she looked sad. I gave in and I took off my pants.

"Kiss me after head please." She went down on me and I covered my mouth with a pillow.

The shop was still open and I wasn't trying to let them hear me. I felt myself about to reach my limit and I tried to warn her but it was too late, I released.

She sat up. Her eyes were now a deeper, cloudier blue than before and that has never happened.

"You know Finn I won't stop you ok, you can give me head until your jaw locks." I watched her go back down. I thought I was the horny one...no way.


It was a long day at the office and I was glad the Melissa came to visit. I was just getting home and her car was outside. I walked in the house and Frank was closing up the shop

"Where's Melissa." It was 6 pm so I assumed they'd be talking or something.

"Well she came over this morning around 11 for new tires. She went into Finn's room. Shortly after that, Amber left. And she hasn't come out of Finn's room." Everything checks out.

I nodded softly and said "I'll listen for movement."

I went to Finn's room and listened at the door. I heard nothing.

I was about to knock then I heard "Come in mom." I was shocked.

I opened the door and peaked in. Finn was at her desk and Melissa was asleep.

I walked in "I wanted to say hi...where did Amber go baby." Finn folded her arms and said "I don't know, hopefully to hell."

I was so happy but I didn't want to show it.

"Where does that leave you and Melissa." She looked at her lap and she was quiet.

"When I lost those pictures of us, I lost everything Melissa helped build. Hopefully she can find it in her heart to take me back." I heard a loud snore from a almost dead Melissa on the bed.

I shrugged "I think you have a good shot." She nodded and I left. She gets those sex genes from me.


Criticism for what I can implement in my next book?

Criticism is not insults or hate btw...

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