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Logan and I were walking the halls "Her boyfriend is going to be on the trip...why?" I asked. Logan seemed a bit annoyed too.

"His law firm is one of the school's sponsors so some of the lawyers from the law firm will be attending at the same time we will be." I groaned.

We got into class and I immediately got a glare from Mr. Jeggun. Melissa walked in and I'm guessing she was doing an examination or something.

He smiled at her and they spoke for a bit. Afterwards she sat at the other corner of the room.

Mr. Jeggun then said "Miss Démon would you mind sitting next to Finn." I rolled my eyes and she came over and sat next to me.

He started teaching and I couldn't help but notice that she looked really pretty today. She handed me a note and I picked it up.

I was confused but when I read it, it said "I'm back with Stan." I ripped the note up and grabbed my board out of my bag.

"Finn where are you going." I stood up and walked to the door. "Young lady where are you going." Mr. Jeggun said.

"Can't you be good for one class." I just left.

I couldn't do it, for the life of me I just can't understand why she keeps going back to him.

As I was approaching the front door two deans stopped me and carried me to the principal's office. She was in her seat.

I opened the window and she grabbed me before I could jump out. We're on the first floor so I'm not scared to hop out this window.

She locked the door and closed all the windows "I told you because I know how much you like me and I didn't want you to find out any other way."

I was quiet for awhile and then I glanced at her left hand and saw a ring.

I stared at it and she sighed softly "Finn-" I cut her off and said "Don't call me Finn, only my friends call me Finn. You can call me Finley."

She did a frustrated sigh "Finn I can't deal with this anymore, I'm tired of your kid games. I'm grown and I need to make my own life choices. I can't keep messing around with a skater kid when I'm trying to build a family, we will never happen."

My eyes watered and I stood up. "You know that every time you get emotional you call me a kid. You call me a kid because I'm immature. Well yes I'm immature and I'm a skater. But was I immature every time when I fixed your car, was I immature when I gave you my bed and slept on the cold floor because you had nowhere to go?" she looked at the ground.

I hit the wall. "Was I immature the day that man broke the only thing that I truly loved and I didn't take it out on you?" I held my forehead and wiped my tears

"Well Melissa this childish and immature kid has treated you with more respect than he has in your entire relationship and for you to go back to him because he proposed just shows how immature YOU are."

I turned to the door and looked at the ground "Relationships are supposed to be an escape from the hardships of life, not an addition. And marrying him will be the worst thing you will ever do but I hope you get exactly what you wanted." I left.

It was harsh definitely but she needed to hear it.


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