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I was riding back home from Logan's house when I saw a lady getting groceries out her car. "You have a really nice ass lady."

I rode by and I heard "FINLEY" I fell off my board and quickly got up, "Melissa!" she sent me a cold glare.

I rode towards her "Do you know how disrespectful that is Finn." I nodded and said, "That's why I say it while I'm riding past." She looked like she needed help.

I put my board on the driveway "Let me help you." She didn't argue and I helped her carry in the bags from the grocery store.

"Thanks Finn" she didn't even argue with me today "What's wrong, I haven't gotten any smart remarks." She sighed softly "I'm just tired of arguing."

As I placed the last bag down I heard a car door close. She looked nervous.

A guy walked in the house, "Whose skateboard did I accidentally run over in the driveway." I ran out of the house so fast and I could see my skateboard broken in half.

"What the fuck!" I was about to cry.

I fell onto my knees and picked up my board. Melissa and that man came out. Damnit, not even tape can fix this.

"Look kid I'm sorry." I stood up, tears filling my eyes.

Melissa came over and hugged me "I'm sorry Finn." I silently cried. "Why didn't you leave it in the grass kid?"

I pulled back and yelled, "I didn't know a dickwad was going to run it over. This is my favorite board!" I sniffled and whispered "Well it was my favorite."

Melissa let me sit in the house while she put the groceries up. But I could hear their conversation.

"Why is there a student in here anyway Melissa?" Stan asked.

"She was riding by and I clearly needed help bringing in groceries. She knows me so she stopped in and helped. It was one of the rare occasions where she was innocently doing a good deed and now look what happened" Melissa sounded very annoyed.

After they finished going back and forth she came in. By then my tears were dried "I'll take you home Finn."

We went to her car and I got in. For the first time I was quiet around her.

We didn't even make it past the first light before she said "Please talk Finn. Hit on me, make a dirty joke, be disrespectful or something."

I did a soft sigh. "I just lost something that means a lot to me. This was my favorite board Melissa, I really am at a loss for words." She pouted softly and I stared out the window.

We got around the corner from my house and I stopped her. "I don't want my dad to see you drop me off. I already have enough questions to answer and I don't wanna lie to him more than I have to."

I opened the door and she grabbed my hand "I'm really sorry Finn." I took a deep breath "Me too Melissa."

I got out and walked the rest of the way home. My fucking board man...


Have you ever broken something special to you? If so, what?

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