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I was waiting on the bed for Melissa, she wanted to watch a movie with me.

My mom opened the door and came in. "Finn we need to talk." I was listening.

She sighed softly "I know you and Melissa are sleeping together but I need you to practice safe sex. You can play around and have fun but when she gets a partner and when you get one you don't want to spread anything."

Before I could say anything Melissa came out the bathroom "Oh hi Maddie."

My mom looked at her "Hey come sit, this is serious." She sat down

My mom then continued, "Both of you need to practice safety and I would advise that you get tested just in case. You never know what your boyfriend might've carried Melissa."

Melissa nodded softly and said "Well I stopped sleeping with him for a long time and even so we always used protection but I can buy some condoms if it makes you feel better Maddie."

I shook my head and said "There's no point. I bought the one I use on you specifically for you."

My mom sighed softly "Please don't go into detail ladies." She cleared her throat, "Finn I mean like if you're doing oral you could use-" I cut her off, "No"

Mom's eyes widened "Finn are you serious."

Melissa nudged me "It might not be so bad." I stared between them.

"You know how your mouth starts to water when you see some delicious food and when you taste it your mouth explodes with flavor. Well imagine that happened but you ate with a your tastebuds being covered. That's how I'll feel and I'm not doing it." I refuse to punish myself.

"Did you compare cunnilingus to food?" My mom asked.

Melissa tapped my mom and whispered, "This is something she's passionate about, sometimes I have to stop her after an hour."

My mom sighed and stood up "Think about it Finn." I'm not thinking about it.

I turned on the movie and she wanted to be the little spoon I let her. Halfway through the movie I got a bit sleepy but I didn't want to fall asleep first.

I put my hand on her inner thigh and she whined "Finn."

I kissed her cheek "I'm rubbing your thigh baby, it's innocent I swear." She loosened up.

I rubbed her inner thigh while pulling her close to me. In five minutes she was out like a light. I turned the movie off and she flipped to hold me as we slept.


I woke up because I heard "Finn, Finn." I opened my eyes and she said "We fell asleep during the movie. I don't know what happened, I was wide awake and then I was knocked out."

I smiled softly. I started rubbing her thigh and I made her snuggle into me. She's a cuddler, that's all.

She gave me a pout. "I really wanted to finish the movie." I stared at her and I could tell she looked confused.

I bit my lip softly and whispered "How are you so beautiful" she blushed.

I kissed her cheek and then her lips and whispered "How dumb of him to let you go."

She cupped my cheek and whispered "I love you." Then she quickly kissed me.

Why didn't she want me to say it back.


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